Ebook Sample Content Preview:
As mentioned earlier, I wmild enter the McDonalds terms as tags...except I would use 2014 instead of 2013.
For the description, I will search for an article about the keyword...and paste it in the description, with all of their links in tact so that you are crediting the source.
Most of the time, I'll just go over to ezinearticles.com and do a search for my main keyword and grab the article.
This is just search engine food. Don't w^ory about duplicate content here. If you are that worried about it, you can wTite and article..but just telling you that would be a huge wuste of your time.
Click HERE for the Video tutorial for this section
Off Page SEO
Ok...so this is where w-e are going to get eyeballs in front of your videos.
I have been doing this for a while, and I have yet to find a better method of ranking videos than my method which I have taught in my other courses...and I have experimented.
So if its not broke, then no need to fix it.
I start all of my campaigns with Social Adr.
This is for IP Spread and for making the linking look natural. It is not enough to rank a video by itself.
Just a great way to start your linking.
I then copy and paste the title and description from Social Adr into my bookmarking software or give it to my outsourcer.
Click HERE to See a Video on How To DO This
The advantage of using software vs Outsourcing for mass social bookmarking is that it can save you a lot of money.
I used to spend $600 plus per month on my campaigns.
Obviously, I was very profitable, but I was able to trim those costs substantially...and have more control over when the backlinking was compeleted as often these providers are pretty swamped and can take a while to complete jobs.
If you want to go the software route, I recommend either Bookmarking Demon or Magic Submitter.
Bookmarking Demon is a very good piece of software and I have used it for at least 2 yrs.
Magic Submitter can do what Bookmarking Demon can do...plus you can submit to press release sites, PDF sites, and video sites.
It does have a monthly fee however.
You can tiy Magic Submitter for $4.95 by Clicking Here
Both softwares can save quite a bit over outsourcing and you can't go wrong with either one.
If you would like to go the outsourcing route, I have enclosed in the download package a list of mass bookmarking providers.
Just don't use Fiver for social bookmarking. It doesn't work.
I have had a bunch of emails from people who try to shortcut this and go to Fiverr for bookmarking...and they never get the necessary amount of links to rank.
The problem is, you won't get the 1500-2000 bookmarks from different IP's that I have found necessary to put a video on the front page quickly.
You are welcome to try Fiverr links...but I never had any success with them.
So for mass social bookmarking, either use Software or Outsource to the list I have provided.
BTW.ibr Social Adr, you don't need their expensive monthly package. If you scroll all the way through the process and keep clicking the No Thanks button, they will give you and option for $15 per month(it might be $17 now)
That will be plenty.
You can sign up for Social Adr HERE
After doing the Social Adr and the Mass Social bookmarking, I would wait a week or tw>o and see how your video does.
If you need more backlinking powder after that, you can follow^ the rest of the steps in my Youtube Bully 2 video course which I have loaded in the autoresponder.
And that is really all there is to it.