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Chapter 5: Seeking Permission
Early in your life, you have learned to follow rules and discover that there are circumstances that you must obtain permission to do the things that you want to do. This begins at home when you need your parent’s permissions to stay up past midnight, to go out with your friends, and so on. During your school years, the need to permission has changed, but you still need the approval of someone on many occasions. You may need permission to arrive late or participate in extracurricular activities.
Your life has changed again when you reached adulthood. However, you’re still surrounded by situations where you need to seek permission or approval for doing things you want. During your university or college studies, you need approval to enroll in your chosen degree to study. At workplace, you still need other people’s approval to leave early, arrive late, or to be absent.
Stop Asking for Permission
The permission-seeking processes exist in people’s lives through licensing. In such situations, you need to seek for formal approval to undertake activities like getting married, driving your own car, owning a dog, building a garden shed, and so on. The world the surrounds you have made you accustomed to seeking permissions for activities that made it difficult to recognizing the occasions that do not need the approval of others. In fact, there are times when outside consent is not needed. People find ways to give themselves permission to do the things they know right for them.
This can be the case when we use you age to give yourself permission to do things or activities that do not appeal on you. People also use the number of faults in their current workplace to give themselves consent to leave and look for new employment that interests them more. People also use their family obligations or the demands of their work to give themselves permission to turn down invitations for events that they don’t care to attend.
It is highly important that you recognize the situations where you don’t need the outside approval to do the things that you want or you think right for you. Go ahead and feel free to proceed. It is doing things you want without seeking permission from others that lifts your confidence in yourself and increases your enjoyment of life.
You do not need permission to live the life you dream of when you were still younger. In reality, no one will come in your life and give you approval. The person that can do that is you. You are responsible over the many things that have had happened in your life. If you complain on your current job, who do you think applied for it? If you want to quit your job, who do you think will decide for it? There are great door of opportunities out there waiting for you, if you only choose to take them. You can blame your family obligations, world loads, and other things in your life from not reaching your goals, but it’s actually you that’s getting in your way.
You have been taught to submit yourself to living an ordinary life while hiding your true self. But, living this way will not allow you to enjoy life. You only live once, so you need to do what you want and what you think that’s right for you. It’s time to wake up and live the way you want.
There are two ways which you can live life. You can spend the rest of your life complaining about how the world seems against you, about your job, about how things could have been better if you have spend more time on it, or more money, or about something else that you think you can have spend more time if only someone has given you permission to do what you really want.
Or, you can start taking responsibility for your life and begin to actually start living. What if you quit your job and try something different what if you start your business instead of dealing with your boos that sucks? Everything is up to you. It’s your life, so you might need to have fun living it. After all, the only permission that you need is from yourself.
Chapter 6: Faulting Others
Some people start to blame or to fault everyone around in the event that bad things happen. While faulting others has become a common habit, there is not common reason behind it. There are many different reasons that make a person to blame others. Understanding these reasons can help you deal with people who fault others or break the habit.
What Are the Reasons Behind the Habit of Faulting Others?
Loss of Control - Some people who lose control of the situation panic and try to restore their sense of control over the situation by faulting others. Fear could be behind the act of blaming others.
To Control Other People - Some people who want to control others start by blaming them to make them feel that they have committed bad things. If someone wants you do something on his behalf, he/she might blame you for changing your attitude or behavior. They will label you selfish, snob, or arrogant. This is one the common methods used by your friends to control you suing blame.
Refusing to Admit Your Responsibility - Some people cannot admit mistakes and failures, so they fault others to take responsibility for their actions. Once common example is when you say that you were late to work because of traffic, while you could have avoided the traffic jam if you woke up early.
Unwilling to Accept the Situation - Faulting others is common to people who cannot accept the things that have had happened. If they have learned how to accept events properly, faulting others will never happen.
It’s Time to Stop the Habit of Faulting Others
If you have the habit of faulting others, you can stop that habit through these tips.
Look for the Cause of the Problem When things didn’t work out the way they should be, it’s easy to be creative and find reasons to blame others. To avoid this thing, you need to learn to relax without thinking why did that thing have happened. Tolerate uncertainty for a moment, as this will give you a wide perspective on the situation at hand.