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Chapter 5 Have an Open Mind
If you are undergoing the process of addiction recovery, it is always important to be open-minded. You can say that a person is open-minded if he or she is receptive to different and new ideas and opinions. It is also the willingness to consider that some people could have something with value to say. This may also mean that individuals have enough humility to admit that they don’t have the answers. The opposite of being open-minded is arrogance and closed-mindedness.
How to Be Open-Minded
Normally, the majority of addicts are not open-minded. It’s something that they have to work at. These are the things that individuals may do when encouraging a flexible relationship with their surroundings. Some of these are:
An individual will have to get out of the habit of refusing others suggestions automatically. Even the weirdest proposal could appear to have merit after considering it carefully.
This can be helpful if individuals put themselves in the position where their views and opinions are challenged. If what a person believes in is right, then there maybe no threat from such opposing views. Just reading the book or checking out a website, which supports the opposing view may show open-mindedness.
Being open-minded may mean that an individual has agreed to leave their own comfort zone occasionally. It only means being willing to try new stuff even when there’s a great temptation to disagree.
When a person is open-minded, he or she seeks knowledge and is not out to score points. This only means that they don’t resort to personal attacks once they feel that they’re losing an argument. If other people’s views are more persuasive, then an open-minded individual may accept this without having a feeling that they are being attacked.
It’s good that some people question their own beliefs and opinions. When individuals become sober, they are shocked frequently to find out how many of their beliefs are based on misunderstandings or ill-informed ideas. Even sober individuals will pick up numerous errors whenever they absorb new information. This just means that they can carry a good deal of faulty thoughts.
The Dangers of Having a Closed Mind
If individuals approach sobriety while being closed-minded, this might mean that they put their entire recovery at risk. The dangers of having a closed mind may include:
If some people are closed-minded, they might develop a syndrome that will just make their situation worse. They will continue to be the same and will remain addicted to drugs or alcohol.
Those who are closed-minded may easily become stuck in the process of their recovery. They will face challenges, yet don’t have the resources to tackle them effectively. Individuals who are also not willing to admit that they actually need help might encounter huge issues. Also, they will not see any progress in their recovery.
Usually, there are warning signs before a person relapses. If he or she is closed-minded, he or she may refuse the thought of taking the correct path toward recovery. Therefore, they will ignore the impending relapse’s warning signs.
When an individual decides to give up his or her addiction, he or she will have free time, which could lead to boredom, that is also an important factor that everyone should remember as this may trigger relapse. This only means that you should always experiment with new interests and hobbies. If you are closed-minded, you will not be able to engage in various activities.
Chapter 6 Be Honest With Yourself and Others
Recovery from addiction is never an easy job. That is the reason why you need to be honest with yourself and other people who are always there to support you. Honesty is considered to be one of the most respected moral characteristics a person can have. If a person is known to behave dishonestly, this may cause devastating harm to his or her reputation. Several kinds of dishonesty are acceptable compared to others. The majority of people tell white lies or fibs from time to time. In fact, there is also a form of therapeutic fibbing. Some people will claim that these kinds of dishonesty are not good.
Those who are trying to bring back their normal life after addiction have to pay attention to honesty. They have to be truthful not only to others, but also with themselves. Failure in establishing honesty as a personal quality can mean that a person will have a much higher risk of relapse. This could also mean that they will live a life that is not really fulfilling after recovery.
Increasing Honesty during Addiction Recovery
Honesty is said to be the key element of a successful life away from addiction. Therefore, it is important that everyone develops this kind of moral characteristic. Below are some of the ways you can consider to increase honesty in your recovery from addiction:
It’s usual for individuals to play down the importance of particular lies as they can quickly justify the telling of a white lie. While there are several times when telling a lie could be less of the two evils, it’s not a great idea to view dishonesty in recovery as an acceptable trait. Ideally, an individual must be aiming for honesty, even if they can’t achieve it.
If individuals don’t value honesty, then they won’t put much effort into living the life that’s built upon it. Thus, it’s vital that the person has a clear understanding of the significance of honesty as well as the dangers of not being honest in recovery.
Keeping your own journal is also a good way to track your behavior. This provides individuals the chance to look back on their day if they have dishonest behavior. Moreover, journaling can reduce the risk of being caught up in self-delusion as things appear clearer when they’re written on a notebook or sheet of paper.
Developing honesty is the same as building up muscles. The more that people are honest, the more honest they become.
Those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol will typically live a life that involves tons of dishonesty. The reason behind it is that addiction will bring conflict with numerous individuals. To avoid these conflicts, addicts have to lie. Therefore, when their boss likes to know the reason why they’re not at work, they may claim that they have picked up some type of stomach bug. The lives of addicts tend to involve telling one lie after another and other lies will cover the past lies.