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Coronavirus Outbreak – What You Need to Know to Stay Safe
Chapter 1: What is the Coronavirus? Everything You Need to Know About This Frightening Disease
Every time a new disease appears in the news, it causes a mass panic as people understandably get scared that they may be at risk. Suddenly, every sniff and every cough is placed under minute scrutiny. The latest outbreak to hit the news is the Coronavirus, and once again, this has caused a huge amount of fear and uncertainty. Again, this is understandable.
UPDATED March 22, 2020
Please Visit https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ For The Latest Stats The coronavirus is a disease that spreads quickly, now with over 330,000 cases in 192 countries! While it isn’t generally a fatal disease, it has already taken more than 14,700 lives. Coronavirus is more widespread than the SARS virus ever became, and it is showing no signs of slowing down. Gradually, it’s making its way into the rest of the world.
But is there really cause for such alarm? While the coronavirus is certainly scary, and definitely not to be taken lightly, it is also is important to maintain a sense of perspective.
Coronavirus Outbreak – What You Need to Know to Stay Safe The NEWS Won't Tell You That COMMON Flu Kills On Average 1,288 People Every Day Worldwide Simply Because We Live With This Fact So It Doesn't Sell Any Newspapers... China where it all started has 81,093 total confirmed cases & 3,270 dead Italy now battles with 59,138 cases , with 600-800 NEW cases daily & 5,476 dead (mainly because of elderly average population & 2 decades of neglected health care investments) Spain has 28,768 cases & 1,772 death In the United States, there are 35,056 cases of the virus & 457 dead.
World wide there have been just over 14,700 deaths caused by the disease,. Coronavirus is most comparable to the flu, in terms of its symptoms and the way it spreads. And just like the flu, it is mostly dangerous to those populations already considered at risk: the elderly, very young, or previously unwell. Statistically, your chances of getting the coronavirus with life threatening complications are extremely low – lower than winning the lottery or getting struck by lightning. But while this is true, it’s also extremely important that we prepare for what seems to become become a more widespread problem, that we know how to protect ourselves, and that we understand this event that is of huge global significance. What is Coronavirus?
The Coronavirus is not a single virus but actually a “family” of viruses that are known to cause a wide number of different illnesses. These coronaviruses (CoV) symptoms can range from the common cold, all the way to more serious flu-like diseases or MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome).
Contrary to popular belief then, the coronavirus is not a “new” virus. In fact, the SARS virus that previously dominated headlines is actually a form of coronavirus. The CoV virus that we are currently hearing about in the news, is actually the “novel coronavirus” or (nCoV) which is a strain that has not previously been detected in humans.
The name coronavirus comes from the Latin corona, which stands for corwn, or halo. This describes the appearance of the viral particles (virions) which have a protein coating called a capsid Coronavirus Outbreak – What You Need to Know to Stay Safe
As with any virus, the difficulty with treating this condition, is that it is known to mutate rapidly, thereby making effective vaccinations or treatments difficulty.
Viruses are different from bacteria. Viruses are smaller and cannot live without a living host. They operate by attaching themselves to cells, and then reprogramming those cells to reproduce. Whereas many bacteria are actually harmless and even beneficial, the vast majority of viruses are harmful to us and are responsible for conditions such as strep throat, tuberculosis, and UTIs. Of course, viruses are also wellknown to cause the common cold, and the flu.
Whereas antibiotics can be used to kill bacteria and end a bacterial infection, viruses are treated with antiviral medications, which are not effective at completely killing the viruses but rather simply preventing the spread by hurting their ability to replicate.
Chapter 2: How it Spreads
As a virus, coronavirus needs a living host in order to spread. This means that the transfer of the virus must usually happen directly between people, usually travelling no more than 6’ from one person to another.
It is believed (though not confirmed) that this spread acts similarly to the spread of the common cold/flu. That means that it will travel on droplets of saliva when someone coughs or sneezes. The droplets may then be inhaled by another person into the lungs, where it is thought that the It is currently not confirmed whether the coronavirus can spread by surfaces. If so, the contact would have had to be recent, but it is generally a wise move to act as though surfaces may be contagious.
The coronavirus can also spread via food, which is how it is believed that the virus initially made the leap from animals to humans. Good food hygiene is more important than ever then, and it is likewise important to consider the source of your food.
A Brief History Coronavirus Outbreak – What You Need to Know to Stay Safe
Here is a brief history of coronavirus and what caused it.
The coronavirus that is currently being discussed is called “A novel coronavirus” (nCoV). This is condition began around December 2019, when there was a cluster of pneumonia cases caused by this previously unknown virus.
It is actually thought that this version of the virus likely began in bats. A new study published on January 29th in the Lancet looked at 10 genome sequences of the coronavirus called 2019-nCoV, taken from nine patients from China. In all 10 of these sequences, 99.8% of the genetic makeup was the same. That tells us that the virus is newly affecting humans. We know this, because as a virus propagates and lives for longer, more changes are introduced to the genome as it mutates and evolves. In other words, the virus has recently jumped to humans from another species.
The researchers found that the sequences were almost identical, suggesting a single source that must have been the primary host not long ago.
To find out more, the same team of researchers compared this sequence to a library of other viral sequences. They found that the closest match was against similar CoV that began life in bats. Both of the two near-matches found shared 88% of the genetic makeup with the new version.
So how did this virus manage to make the leap? Because no bats have been sold at the Huanan seafood market – believed to be the source of the virus - it is now thought that there was likely another “steppingstone” animal that transmitted the virus. In other words, the bats infected an animal that was then consumed by humans. One possible culprit is snakes, though it is not currently known whether the virus is able to affect snakes.
However, more recent speculation also questions whether the seafood market is in fact the source of the illness.
Coronavirus Outbreak – What You Need to Know to Stay Safe
The first case of nCoV was reported on December 1st 2019, and that patient had no known link to the seafood market. The data also showed that 13 of the earliest 41 hospitalized patients had no link to that marketplace.
New data suggests that the very first infections may actually have occurred in November. That’s because there is an “incubation period” between the infection and the onset of the first symptoms. It’s also worth considering that as many of the symptoms are very similar to the flu, some patients may not have reported the condition at all. This is important to consider, when estimating the potential number of cases.
How the Condition is Being Contained Governments are taking measures to attempt to control the spread of the virus.
Chapter 3: The Coronavirus and Traveling – Where Are You At Risk? Stats Outside of China
Please Visit https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ For The Latest Stats Depending on where you are located in the world, you stand a slightly higher chance of contracting coronavirus. While the condition is somewhat rare outside of China and even moreso outside of Asia, travelling anywhere will put you at risk. In this chapter, we’ll look at the status of each country and what you need to know when travelling.
Keep in mind that these numbers are changing – and largely growing – all the time. While that’s true though, this list can provide a useful illustration of the most affected areas, as well as the nature of the condition and how it spreads.
Coronavirus Outbreak – What You Need to Know to Stay Safe
So far there have been three confirmed cases of coronavirus in India. The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare of India has confirmed that the first of these cases was on 30th January 2020, with a second reported on 02 February. The first case involved a student that had travelled from Wuhan. This patient is being monitored at the time of writing and is in a stable condition.
It is thought that there may be more cases of coronavirus in Kerala, India as this is where the individual lived. Other unconfirmed reports come from Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Maharastra, Telangana, and Rajasthan. If you are visiting any of these regions, then you should protect yourself.
There have been a total of 12 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Germany, making it one of the areas where the condition is currently most prevalent – or at least most widely detected and reported. The Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety reported the first case on 28th January. This case affected a male patient based in Starnberg with no history of visiting China, but who had met with a traveler from the area. Three additional cases were reported on 29th January, who are all being treated in isolation at a Munich hospital.
It is thought that all 12 of the confirmed cases were contracted by the same Chinese tourist.
Sri Lanka
There has been a single case of novel coronavirus in Sri Lanka. That patient was a 40 year old Chinese woman who had been treated positive for the virus. The country has now taken measures to contain the spread of the virus. This includes the suspension of visas for all Chinese travelers. This comes at a time when the country has become a very popular tourist spot for Chinese holiday makers.
Over 200 Chinese students currently studying in Sri Lanka from overseas are also going through a systematic evaluation process.