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Part Four: The Many Faces of Copywriters
Becoming a freelance success in copywriting is possible if you love to write and are willing to make a commitment to having your own business. Copywriters may also choose to work for a business, writing copy for catalogues, newspapers and newsletters and advertising agencies.
With the advent of the Internet, it’s possible to make a success of your own copywriting business and create a client following that will serve you well. If you work well alone, having your own business might be the way to go. But, if you prefer working on a team or having the security of a paycheck, working for a business could be best for you.
If you’re going to write for the Internet today, you’ve got to have a combination of the usual writing talent, plus know how to adeptly use SEO techniques in your writing style. You’ve also got to know how to write persuasively for ad copy and sales content.
A great Internet copywriter should also know how to write great, informative articles. The SEO elements are there, but quality of research and writing is fundamental for the articles to be Internet successes.
If you’re writing for you own site, you’ll know you’re a success when google begins to rank your site/articles highly. You’ve got to put yourself out there if you want to attract clients. Writing articles for such sites as ‘Ezine’, starting a blog, social networking and other techniques that we’ve discussed in this guide can help you become branded on the ‘net.
Think about the types of writing you like to do and go from there to discover the “copywriting face” you want to wear. Writing you can get paid for includes web pages, scientific studies, business marketing, brochures, advertisements, blog posts, articles and direct mail.
Whenever you find yourself thinking, “I could write this better...,” it’s a good place to begin your writing career. Then, there’s the problem of creativity. Do you have problems coming up with ideas for articles or stories? Read on to gather some good advice.
Get Your Creative Juices Flowing
Sometimes, creativity doesn’t happen when you need it most. For many successful writers, it takes many hours of contemplation, meditation, reading what others have written and other tricks of the trade to get the creative juices flowing.
Every great author had to begin his or her writing with an inspiring flow of ideas. Inspiration is an essential part of any writing process, whether it’s for advertising or writing a novel.
Here are a few ideas that may help if you need inspiration for your writing pursuits:
Newspapers and magazines - You’ve heard the old saying, “Life is stranger than fiction.” You only have to look at the news headlines or topics in magazines to find pieces that will inspire you to write.
Forums and Blogs - For online writing inspiration, you don’t have to look any further than forums and blogs. Although forum (and possibly blog) writing isn’t usually written for style or beauty, they may inspire you with ideas you hadn’t thought of.
History - Many people from history can inspire you to become motivated to write. Abraham Lincoln was certainly prolific and you’re sure to find a few of your favorites from trawling through history.
Exercise - Don’t underestimate the power of exercise when searching for writing motivation. When you exercise vigorously, you increase the blood flow to your brain and that can bring on the ideas.
Writers’ Groups - This is a good move to get your juices flowing especially if you’re a beginner. The work that other writers succeed in can inspire you to press on.
Break Your Daily Routine - Nothing gets you out of the doldrums faster than seeing the scenery from a different perspective. You don’t have to go far. If you usually sit on the couch watching television in the evening, try taking a walk, listening to music or reading.
Travel - Do you journal during your travels? It’s a good way to bring home inspiration and motivation to help you when you have those times that you can’t seem to think of a thing to write about.
Books - One of the best solutions to finding inspiration to write is reading what others have written. It can be fiction, biographies, your favorite authors or anything that might inspire you.
Friends and Family - Your best inspirational ideas might begin with the simplest of conversations with friends or family. People may mention things they’ve heard, seen or read about and that may ignite the fire of idea in your mind.
Art and Music - Said to be the ultimate in inspiration, it works for some and not for others. Certainly, listening to music and admiring works of art can open your mind to some of the best ideas of man.
No matter how good you are at writing or how much you love to write, you’ll have times that need inspiration. Don’t just sit around waiting for inspiration to write. Take a journey to find inspiration - and don’t come back without it. You may find it in the most unlikely of places and spaces.
Exercises for Part Four – The Many Faces of Copywriters
Write down the types of copywriters that appeal to you. If you want to write for profit and have a plethora of clients, Internet writing might be your best choice. If you prefer working with a team, check out businesses that employ copywriters.
What inspires you? Give some thought about what inspires and motivates you. Whatever you happen to be doing, assess how it’s affecting you and find those avenues that you can call upon later for inspiration.
Check out various copywriting jobs and what they entail. There are web sites, blogs, forums and content on the Internet that can tell you everything you need to know about various copywriting jobs. Discover how much they pay, how difficult they are to break in to and which ones appeal to you.