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Chapter 7: Deal With Your Roommate
Get hold of your roommate before the semester starts and portion out expenses. Chat about who will bring a refrigerator and who will bring a microwave oven.
This way you prevent duplicating purchases and excess spending, but will still have all the amenities to make college life easier.
Living With A Roomie
Sharing living quarters with somebody may considerably cut your monthly expenses. Follow these steps to peacefully coexist with a roommate.
Be selective if you are able to. Interview prospective roommates and be honest about your own daily habits. Preventing troubles is the best way to deal with roommates.
Before moving in with each other, set clear-cut guidelines. Talk about utilities, cleaning, suitable noise levels, sharing electronics and food. Set clear-cut boundaries to address these issues.
Formulate a positive friendly rapport from the beginning. Plan to help the roommate move into your new place, if conceivable.
Communicate with your roommate. Make a housecleaning schedule and stick to it. Talk about how you are able to produce rules that benefit all parties.
Choose your battles, decline to nag. Calmly tell your roommate you would like to talk about an issue, and then listen to their point of view. Discover a compromise that works for both.
Formulate a plan for paying bills so that everybody knows when their share is due. You may prefer to set up a separate checking account for these payments. Do not link any of your individual accounts to the group account.
Chapter 8: Disperse It And Be Frugal
Most of the huge expenses are at the beginning of the academic year. Purchase books as you require them. That will spread out expenses.
Do not forget to check into prices from online bookstores. They might give you a better deal than the campus bookstore. Purchase used books if possible.
Ways To Be Frugal
Being frugal is a good way to make it through college; however it doesn't need to stop there. Living frugal is a way of believing that represents a particular mental attitude and respect towards money.
Break down where you are able to cut costs. Put monthly spending allowances on paper so you are able to hold yourself to your budget. If you must, you can have an envelope of hard cash for different things like groceries, gifts, amusement, etc. When the cash from the envelope is gone, then you can't spend any more money that month on that unless you take money from a different envelope. It may take a couple of months to discover a comfortable, but slightly strict budget, and get used to it.
You can't be frugal without coupons. Always utilize coupons when you are able to.
Check into the local thrift store or local consignment shops for better quality items. You can even take all your old and unused items to the consignment shops to make money also! If you're in need of a particular item, like a book shelf, telephone your local consignment shop and let them know what you're seeking. A few of these shops are happy to let you know if they have what you're looking for so you don't waste gas and time going to the store yourself, and will even keep your request on file so when that one item does come in, they'll call you and let you know.
Be energy efficient. Not only does being energy efficient help you in being frugal, but it helps the environment also!
Discover how to cook. Being able to bake and cook from scratch may save you a ton of money in the kitchen and is really healthier for you anyway. A can of soup goes from $1-$3 and serves possibly 1-2 individuals. You are able to make your own soup to feed 8 individuals for the same amount! If you don't have that many individuals to feed, you are able to just make half of the recipe or freeze the leftovers.
Chapter 9: Ask For Help
It's very hard to say 'I'm in trouble and I need $2,000' or 'I spent my student loan money.
Build up some courage and phone home. The longer you put it off, the worse matters get!
Do It Right
Most of us need financial help at one time or some other in our lives. Whether you're going through a difficult time, there are some crucial points to remember when calling for financial help.
People are often willing to help if you are able to distinctly define your real need. This might be help with a car payment, or grocery money. Possibly you require some money to purchase some books or supplies. If you're clear about what you require, this helps to keep your request focused.
Keep a sense of humbleness. Regardless of how frustrated you are with your conditions, don't let it become a chip on your shoulder. Don't make demands or suppositions that everybody must help you. It's o.k. to be scared, frustrated or saddened by conditions. But don't direct this at the person you are asking for help, particularly if they're not able to help you.
Explain how you're prepared to alter your circumstances. A plan with goals conveys you're working your way up, not spiraling down farther. Individuals don't want to feel you're requesting an infinite amount of help with no end in sight.