Ebook Sample Content Preview:
I was in two minds as to whether include this section and it is the reason I have put it here rather than what might have been a better structure to include it earlier. It is here because I don’t see it as being as important as the other contents of this report up until now. Some people find this kind of stuff helpful and some people don’t. Personally I use it some times and not all the time. For writing short articles I don’t see the need for preparation exercises and all that malarkey but for more serious content like ebook chapters or reports it may benefit you to be in the most creative state of mind possible. Also this report is about speed and this stuff takes time. It is up to you to decide whether or not this aspect of the writing process is beneficial to you. What I will offer here are some things that can help prepare your mind for creative work and make the cranking out of your articles even faster.
Read stuff: It may sound stupid but before I write I will quite often just read something for a few minutes. The higher quality the writing the better but it gets my mind into the mode of synthesizing words and processing writing. It should only need to be done once before each session but it will start your engine running with more momentum.
Write stuff: Personally I don’t need to do this but many people find it helpful to write something else before they begin writing work. Whether its an email, a shopping list or a post in the forum it turns your brain on to the mode of putting its thoughts onto paper. Again only needs to be done once before each writing session but might provide great benefits.
Specific exercises: I train martial arts so I often find that performing some movements of that nature prior to creative work can stimulate a greater level of connection between right and left brain halves and create a more creative state. Other ways to do this are through meditation (nothing fancy, just focusing on your breath and calming your mind), other breathing exercises, and other movements. I won’t go into them here but there are certain movements that you can do that coordinate your breath and your body in a way that enhances right and left brain connectivity. Hit up Google if you want to know more about that aspect of writing as it is slightly outside the scope of this article.
The next point I will mention however is EXTREMELY important and I do it before every article. What I do is put myself in a state where I know that I will be able to crank out a 400-600 word article on this topic despite the fact that I know nothing about it and that I don’t know yet what I’m going to write. There are various ways to put yourself in this state but my main ones are to focus on what it will be like when I have completed the article and think about other times when I have done something similar. Then I just begin thinking with complete certainty that I will be able to finish this article very quickly.
What I also do is actually begin writing before I know exactly what is going to come next. I start writing in the state I mentioned above. I have the structure in my head but I just start writing giving no recognition to the fact that I might get stuck and remain totally faithful that if I keep writing, the appropriate words, sentences and paragraphs will come to me. Some people know what I’m talking about and some people think it is phooey but I strongly believe that when you hold thoughts in your head that are doubts as to whether you can do something you physically prohibit your brain from accessing the parts of itself that will make the action in question possible. If you keep your mind open and have faith that you can do something you allow your brain to find the resources to make it happen. Your mind is an untapped source of ultimate potential: Don’t underestimate it!
Finally is another point that some people adopt and find beneficial and some people don’t. Some people say to keep writing once you start and not stop. What you can do is do your research, then with those points in mind just start writing and keep going. What happens is you will get out a lot of information quickly but it will be unstructured and you will have to later structure it and rearrange it to make sense. If you are writing articles this may be beneficial and if you get out a whole article quickly by doing this, by all means go ahead. Trouble is, it’s harder said than done and that’s why I believe its easier to embrace the inevitable pauses in your writing and continually refer to my structure so you always know what to write next as soon as you pause.
In concluding this section, I find the non stop writing idea more valuable when I know about the topic of the article before hand but when it’s a niche article on a subject I’m not familiar with this method doesn’t really help me. Again make the decision for yourself because its all about what makes things faster for YOU.