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Unfortunately things do go wrong when it comes to outsourcing. These things can be as simple as instructions not being carried out correctly. Or they can have more serious implications when someone steals your content or takes advantage of information that you may have shared with them.
To prevent losing any personal or business information there are some precautions that you can take. If you decide to give your outsourcer access to your blog create a separate user account for them. This way they will never see any of your private details or have access to other content. Plus if you decide not to hire them again then you simply delete their account.
When it comes to making and receiving payments most business these days is done through PayPal. They are safe and secure and it is possible to open up an account in most countries throughout the world. If you do encounter payment problems you have the ability to open up a dispute for products not received.
PayPal gives both the outsourcer and the content creator the ability to send invoices with the capability to send out reminders if payment becomes over due. This can help you create a professional business appearance without needing any fancy financial type of software.
If you are concerned about losing content always ensure that you are backing up all of your files. You should be doing this regardless of whether you hire outside help or not. Ensuring your files and hard drive are backed up regularly will allow you to recover should anything ever happen.
The majority of freelancers and outsourcers pride themselves on doing a really great job, this is their business after all. Unfortunately there are always those unscrupulous few that are out to cause trouble if anything goes wrong. By having solid work ethics in place this is less likely to happen. Treat your outsourcers and freelancers as you would expect to be treated if you were in their shoes.