Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Content Management Systems
Regardless of the type of website you‘re working with, one thing is constant… you’ll always need to provide some sort of content.
With a sales letter site, where you’re specifically promoting one particular product, your focus will be entirely on causing the viewer to ultimately make that purchase. In that case, killer sales copy is the only content required.
Content driven websites are a whole different story. The task is and always will be to provide ongoing relevant information. At the same time, of course, you’ll be building the size of the website by creating additional subject-relevant (and hopefully keyword-rich) pages.
Then there’s the Adsense website. Although it’s primary purpose is to gain revenue from targeted Google ads, content will always be a major factor in generating viewer traffic. Not just from the start but as a continuing process whereby additional traffic and revenue are achieved.
For the most part, there are three specific categories of content… sales copy, articles, and RSS feeds.
Sales Copy
In order to gain sales copy, you have three options:
1. Hire a professional copywriter.
2. Use sales letter creation software.
3. Write the sales copy yourself from scratch.
Option # 1:
Hire A Professional
When it comes to hiring a professional copywriter, you have two choices (that’s assuming you don‘t already know a dependable and qualified copywriter). You can randomly locate someone through the search engines or use a private service such as Elance (http://www.elance.com). If you plan to go the latter route, you need to be very cautious. These types of services are generally a viable source for locating programmers, but not necessarily for projects that require good language skills.
That’s not to say you can’t find quality copywriters at places like Elance. You can. It’s just that the majority of members will be located in countries where the English language is secondary.
Whether you locate a qualified copywriter through independent search or through a service like Elance, here is what you need to consider in order to get your money‘s worth:
•Make certain you can see other sales copy they’ve written. Ideally, you want to review content that is similar to what you’ll be needing.
•It’s important that you have the option of actually discussing your project with them. If they can’t (or won‘t) talk to you over the phone, cross them off your list.
Option # 2:
Sales Letter Creator
Using sales letter creation software can be a great asset. That is, assuming you’re willing to adjust and fine-tune the final results. In other words, you use the software to create the overall sales content, then go back and manually tweak, refine, and improve what the software initially provides.
While it’s true that sales letter creation software can do a pretty decent job of writing a basic sales letter, it’s not necessarily a good idea to publish the results “as is”. That’s because the results are somewhat generic, at least with respect to the overall nature of the content. You fill in a few blanks, providing specific data about your particular product. Based on that information, a “finished” sales letter is then created.
Although this is an effective system for generating sales letters, it also has the ability to produce content that might seem rather cookie-cutter in nature. Of course, that’s the benefit of this type of software as well.
There’s a specific and proven sales letter formula that works most effectively. And that’s what the software program does. Using information you supply, it shapes your sales letter using that formula as the basic foundation.
One of the best products for accomplishing this kind of shortcut method of sales copy writing is the Sales Letter Creator ( http://www.salesletterscreator.com ).
Of course, no matter how good this type of software is, it’s still a sound idea to perform at least a minimal amount of rewrite to polish and refine the content. And in order to do that, you’ll need basic sales writing skills.