Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Content Branding and Monetization Templates
Every week you write, post, and share content. From blog posts to tweets, from reports and downloads to email messages, you’re communicating with your audience, leads, and customers. You’re sharing a message. If that message is consistent, then people start to develop trust and expectations. They learn who you are and what you are able to provide them. If your message is inconsistent, then your audience is left confused and unsure of who you are and where you stand. This confusion generally leads to them leaving your fold, or never entering it in the first place. If you want to attract customers and keep them, your message has to be consistent from message to message and across your content channels. In short, you have to have a brand and that brand has to be communicated clearly and effectively in every piece of content that you share.
A strong and consistent brand provides you with:
A clear message
Clearly, delivers the message
A prospect that is emotionally connected to you, your products, or services.
A motivated buyer
Branding is…
The process of creating a unique name, message and image in a consumer’s mind. The goal is to differentiate yourself from others in the market and to attract and retain customers. There are actually many elements that go into a brand and many ways to communicate your brand.
Personality – the “voice” you use in your content and marketing pieces
Website colors, header, and layout
Images used in content and marketing materials.
Your brand answers the questions:
What Makes You Unique? How are you different from your competition? Why will customers buy from you?
What Is Your Voice? Your voice is part of your company personality. It’s communicated in the language that you choose in your content and marketing message.
What Do You Promise? What is the single most important promise that you make to your customers?
What Do You Stand For? What are your values and what is your mission statement? What are your core beliefs and how does your brand communicate that to your audience?
So how do you create consistency with your brand? Project a consistent look. – Make sure that your logo is used in all your content and marketing. The colors, the style of your images, and even the look and feel of your marketing materials should all help your audience immediately identify you. Communicate a consistent voice in your communications. You have a voice and a personality. Make sure to express it in every marketing piece and communication you share. Embrace a consistent message across all your marketing and communications channels. Your tagline is part of your message. Your company message is also part of your brand definition. It’s what you stand for. For example, if your brand is about exceptional customer service then that message needs to be integrated into your content. Consistency is about making sure that your prospects and customers never doubt who you are. Each time they come across your organization they receive a branding experience that further solidifies you in their mind. It’s about creating expectations and then meeting them each time you contact your audience.
Defining your brand and creating a strategy to communicate it in every piece of content is a first step. Content is the core of your business. It’s what connects you to your customers and audience. Branding your content helps you build a stronger connection. Of course, branding is only the first step of leveraging content and growing your business. You can, and should, also monetize your content. What about Monetization?
In addition to branding your content to ensure that anyone who is reading it makes a clear connection to you and your company, your content also provides another opportunity – an opportunity to make money.
There are different ways that you can monetize your content and different goals. For example, you can:
Include a call to action in a blog post – visit LINK To buy now.
You can embed a YouTube video in a blog post and earn Google AdSense on the video
You can create a product comparison chart and embed affiliate links in the chart to earn commissions on sales.
You can invite readers to visit your blog where a pop over form invites them to sign up for your opt-in offer and email list.
Guest Blog – Write for other relevant industry blogs. Your byline is an opportunity to link to a web page or offer.
Content Upgrades – Bonus content and upgrades provide you with an opportunity to offer value and tap into the buying trigger “reciprocity.” Link to affiliate products, your opt-in page, or to your own products or services.
Publish Information Products– Whether you sell your digital products or you give them away for free, information products provide a monetization opportunity. Again, you can promote your own products or services, send readers to your opt in page, or promote the products or services of others for an affiliate commission.
You can drive traffic to a blog post that subtly pitches your products or services.
The list could go on for quite some time as there are many ways to monetize your content. It boils down to your goals:
Affiliate sales
Website/blog traffic
List building
Ad sales
The first step to monetizing your content is to create a strategy. That strategy should begin and end with amazing content because your content is what communicates your information, message, and brand and it’s what connects you to your prospect. Then and only then will any type of monetization work. Like any effective strategy, your monetization strategy should:
Have measurable goals
Cross multiple channels (social, email, blog, etc.)
Be implemented in steps.
For example, monetize blog posts first, then focus on monetizing social and so on. One of the first steps that you may want to take when branding and monetizing your content is to look at both old content that you’ve published and PLR. Both are easily rebranded with a few simple steps. Rebranding Word Documents Rebranding documents is straightforward. There are a few steps that you can take to change the look and feel: Change or Add a Logo: Many PLR reports, eBooks, and blogs come with a logo in the header. To change the logo, click on it the existing logo, hit delete, then head up to your document toolbar, choose “insert,” click on “picture” and add your logo. To add your logo to the header, still under “insert” in your toolbar, click on “Header, choose the “Blank” header. Then place your cursor where you want your image to go, click on picture and follow the steps to add your logo.