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Constipation is one of the most common medical complaints despite the many remedies for constipation. Feeling bloated, and irritable are all signs of constipation. There are several effective treatments to help you regain your strength and energy.
Exercise and Diet
Eat Fiber- A high fiber diet is usually what is needed to treat constipation. A combination of soluble and insoluble fiber found in is what the body needs to form soft bulky stool. You should consume least 30-35 grams of fiber a day. Limit processed foods, and those high in fat such as cheese and meat, and replace with beans, bran fruits and vegetables
Hydrate- Drinking water is also important to keep things moving. Woman need about eight cups and men need approximately 12 cups of water a day. Increase the intake of water and juice for a significant difference in hydration. Avoid beverages high in caffeine, like soda and coffee, which cause dehydration.
Physical Activity- Daily exercise goes a long way to keeping your digestion on track. It naturally stimulates muscle contractions and helps the large intestine move waste through the body faster, preventing a hard dry blockage.
Aloe Vera - Aloe vera is a leafy succulent plant that grows in hot drained soils. Traditionally, dried latex from the lining of the aloe vera leaf is used as an oral laxative. The anthroquinone glycosides in the latex are scientifically proven to have laxative properties.
Rhubarb- For thousands of years Chinese herbalists have relied on rhubarb rhizomes for medicinal purposes. European herbalists also recommend rhubarb due to its anthraquinone compounds that irritate the colon and stimulate bowel movements. The root also has tannins believed to lessen colon inflammation.
Phosphorus- Phosphorus is a mineral found in many foods. It is a FDA labeled laxative approved for adults and children. One of the proven constipation remedies, sodium phosphate is taken orally and as an enema to prepare patients for surgery.
Psyllium- With a high level of soluble dietary fiber, Psyllium is the chief ingredient in bulk laxatives such as Serutan and Metamucil. The natural laxative helps clean and clear the intestinal track.
Alternative Therapies
Massage- Massage is using pressure to manipulation muscles. It's been practiced for thousands of years in different cultures. An abdominal massage stimulates peristalsis waves in the colon. A three to five minute massage will start stagnant fecal matter move again.
Acupressure- Acupressure is a touch therapy using the principles of acupuncture. Instead of sticking points with needles, is used. Tapping on acupressure points on the arm, trunk and legs relieves constipation.
Aromatherapy- Aromatherapy uses essential oils from plants to enhance wellbeing. Basil, lavender, rose and myrrh essential oil strengthens the digestive system. Essential oils of basil, lavender, myrrh, and rose strengthen the digestive system. An aromatic bath with five drops of oil helps ease and counteract constipation.
Eating the right foods for constipation can be the best way to stop irritable, bloated feelings caused by intestinal blockage causes. Almost all Americans suffer some form of constipation in their lifetime. Though it is a very common condition, it is easily treated with the proper diet. The American Dietetic Association suggests eating 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day. The average American only eats five to fourteen grams daily. There are plenty of readily available foods for constipation relief.
Beans- Beans The latest dietary guidelines recommend we triple our intake from one to three cups per week. Just one cup of cooked beans provides 12 grams of fiber. Nutritious choices are split peas, lentils, black beans, kidney beans, lima beans, and pinto beans.
Whole Grains- The healthiest kinds of grains are whole grains since the essential parts of the natural occurring nutrients are intact. Whole grains are foods that do not have the bran and germs milled out. Whole grains to consume include: muesli, whole wheat, rye, amaranth, barley, buckwheat, corn, millet, oats and quinoa.
Unprocessed Wheat Bran- Wheat bran is the outermost layer of the wheat berry and is one of the world's richest forms of fiber. One cup of wheat bran provides about 99 percent of the recommended daily intake of fiber making it a great constipation cure.
Add unprocessed wheat bran to baked goods for fiber and flavor. Truly raw, "unprocessed" wheat bran is not toasted and must be stored in the refrigerator. You can buy it at specialty stores and online.
Unrefined Breakfast Cereals- In their natural state, breakfast cereal is an important source of dietary fiber. Oatmeal and whole wheat hot cereal are a nutritious way to start the morning. For cold cereals, look for varieties with the first ingredient listed as whole grain, whole wheat, oats, corn or bran, containing two grams of fiber per serving.
Dried Fruit- Dried fruits are effective in pushing food out and stopping constipation.
The skin on dried fruits contains fiber the body cannot breakdown plus sugars that cause the colon to push out the stool. Eat prunes apricots, figs, cranberries, and apples for the perfect foods for constipation snack.
Fresh Fruit- Fresh fruit is nature's laxatives that gently relieve constipation. All fruits are easy to absorb and digest, however the top fruits for constipation are berries, papaya, oranges, apples, bananas and pears. Just one cup of blueberries contains 3.6 grams of fiber.
Vegetables- Vegetables are full of fiber and prevent constipation. All veggies are beneficial, but raw vegetables help more than cooked. Even cooked, one cup of broccoli contains 5.2 gram of fiber. Vegetables such as cauliflower, okra and spinach have the added benefit of lubricating the intestines easing bowel movements.
Gradually add foods for constipation to your diet while limiting high fat foods like cheese, meat, ice cream and processed food. When increasing fiber it is important to drink the recommended 8 to 10 cups of water a day to aid digestion.
Put this action plan in use to relieve constipation. For more help with constipation remedies, there are many diet books and supplements on the market. Start making small changes today for a healthier tomorrow.
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