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Always Appreciate Everything
As mentioned before, it can be very hard to be grateful in certain situations. No matter how hard it is you must always keep in mind that someone out there is going through situations much worse than yours. For example, you may not be happy with your current rate of pay. Well, how would you like to live in a country where there are places that you cannot even find work? Imagine having to watch members of your family starve to death to because you are not able to afford food and there is no one that will help you. Is your situation that critical? If not that is a perfect example of someone who has it much worse than you. When you think of this does it change you level of gratitude for your paychecks? I’m almost certain it does!
Your higher power has a plan for you and you need to understand that this plan may not necessarily involve you becoming rich or famous. It may require you to go through some serious trials and tribulations, but there is always a reason for it. That is why you must take everything that life throws at you as a blessing from your higher power and you must show gratitude for these blessings. Doing this will prove to your higher power that you are serious about your commitment to them and that you are willing to live your life by them. This will greatly increase the bond between you and your higher power and will surely strengthen your level of spirituality which will lead to a life of true happiness.
Learning to appreciate everything is also a great way to ensure a content life. If you are not constantly yearning for new expensive things and learn to appreciate the smaller things in life you will finally learn how to be truly happy. Money can buy items but it cannot but true happiness. True happiness can only be achieved by feeling content and by establishing a strong connection with your higher power.