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The speaker should begin the outline of the speech by stating the intended audience response in as concrete terms as is possible. This assures the speaker that his thinking about his purpose for speaking is clear.
He should then record the central idea. This is the next step because the selection of the central idea will determine the framework of the speech.
After selecting the central idea, the speaker should check to see if it actually will (when developed) bring about the desired response.
Division of the central idea into sub-ideas should be the next step.
Before completing the outline, it is necessary, of course, to explore each sub-idea, read about it, talk about it, and record whatever support can be found for it.
At this point it may be necessary to review the central idea and sub-ideas to see if your reading and other research will enable you to improve upon your previous choice of headings.
The next problem is to select from the recorded materials, the best supports available for each particular idea; decide how much is needed and arrange them in the most effective way.
If some headings require more specific data for support than has been found, additional research should be done.
Now that we have the ideas set down, we need to ask one more question: "Which of these ideas will the audience accept on my own authority, and which of these ideas will require additional support?"