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Confident Creatures, “Create Your Ideal Lifestyle By Realizing Your Full Potential Through Confidence” is an eBook which will give you an insight in to this very important attribute which has made men and
women enter the books of history. The ideas of some of the well known authors of personal motivation books especially on the issue of self confidence will be considered.
In this eBook, all the principles and factors associated with confidence will be discussed. It has been proved that confident can help you realize your fool potential in life. Persons and other living creatures
which possess confidence in abundance are known as confident creatures.
This book will give you an exceptional understanding of confidence; what it is and how you can use it to bring a very great positive change in your life. It will help you over the worries of ‘can I manage? Am I the
best? What will I do? What will happen?’ and such related questions.
This book will also give you an insight into another very dangerous attribute and character associated with confidence which is referred to as over confidence. Over confidence is very dangerous. It leads to the
development of bullish ideas. Most dictators and hardcore criminals are over confident.
Over confidence is the opposite of low or lack of self confidence which is equally dangerous. With low self esteem, you will find it very hard to live and interact with others. You are also highly likely to fail
in your interviews. You cannot impress anyone if you lack self confidence. You can oppress anyone if you are over confident. You can oppress anyone of have the necessary confidence and you will impress
many. It is a very good attribute and you will learn how to acquire it in this eBook.
After reading this book, you will understand better why you behave in a particular manner under detain circumstances either always, occasionally or at times. This eBook is like mirror which will reflect the
inner you and what you can do to yourself and your dependants.
While most people are naturally born while self confident, most others lack it in one way or the other. If you are not so lucky to be born with self confidence, then you can get self confidence from articles like in
this eBook and the inspirational stories you will get there.
The fear of what will happen and whether you will make it (because you think others are better) is the impediment to your way of becoming a confident creature; achieving what you want and being successful.
This book is written in very simple English and real life examples which you can even relate to your own life. You will enjoy reading it you will emerge more confident person by the time you are through with
Confident Creatures
Create Your Ideal Lifestyle By Realizing Your Full Potential Through Confidence
Chapter 1:
In this chapter you will learn about what is self confidence. You will also learn about what self confidence is.
These two attributes are very vital in creating your ideal lifestyle by realizing your full potential.
Are you confident about yourself? Your answer to this question explains how you live, whether you appreciate or disapprove yourself.
Definition of Confidence
The word confidence has been defined variously by different writers, scholars, academicians and psychologists. It is a term which is generally understood to refer to FULL TRUST: it refers to the belief,
consciousness and trust that a person, entity, authority or another thing is capable of succeeding in something. It also refers to the belief in yourself (self confidence).
Confidence is vital attribute which has made countries win wars; individuals win competitions and games, people do what seems impossible and it has also helped men and women make history. It is required
by everyone be it at marriage, in school, at work, in positions of leadership and generally in your daily life.
What is self confidence?
"Self-confidence gives you the freedom to make mistakes and cope with failure without feeling that your world has come to an end or that you are a worthless person." - Anon
Self confidence refers to the trust or confidence in self. It is the belief that you (or the person or entity you are acting for) will emerge victorious and successful in the task you want to undertake. With self
confidence, you are able to meet most of the challenges in life. It will also help you do what people believe is impossible or difficult to do.
Take for example the time when the current president of the United States of America Mr. Barrack Obama was launching his presidential campaign before the 2008 US elections. Most people wished him
away publicly and openly stated that he had little or no prospects of succeeding in his quest for US presidency.