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One of the cool things about Easy Deal Builder is the number of options it gives you in terms of 'Deal Types':
You can run a quantity based deal (not really suitable for the Heist strategy as we won't have the ability to track sales and adjust the quantity countdown as they come in).
You can run a time/date based deal (this one is perfect for our 48 hour open offer that we used with Covert Social Press)
And last (but by no means least), you can run an 'Evergreen' deal - This starts a time/date countdown based on when the visitor first sees the offer page. It can be used effectively in AR sequence promotions or for promotions that you simply want to set up, leave running and forget.
In most instances we'll be using either the regular time/date deal or the evergreen deal for our pages and it's how we add our second level of scarcity.
When you combine the two - first level from the vendor's page and second level from our countdown you can see how powerful these pages become in terms of getting a visitor to take action and pick up the deal.
Typically we would send 3-4 emails to our lists about these offers:
Here's a breakdown of one of our typical email campaigns:
Email #1 - Start Building Up Interest. In this email we're only going to drop a hint about a "special offer" or a "limited deal" and when to expect it.
Weave into your message the primary benefit of the product you're about to promote but remember this is just a teaser, so you don't need to go into too much detail, name the product or devote any more time other than mentioning the big benefit.
We're also going to mention that there will only be a brief window of opportunity to take advantage of this upcoming deal and cover the primary scarcity element such as the special pricing, an added extra bonus or limited competition entry that comes with the offer.
Ideally this email should be sent out as a standalone message, but depending on your regular mailing style and schedule, it could also be done as the post script in another unrelated broadcast.
Email #2 - The Announcement Email. We don't want to wait too long before sending this message, perhaps 24 or 48 hours after your interest building email. This message should be short and to the point. The goal here is to achieve maximum click-throughs to the promotion page, so the briefer the better. We typically run with just 2 or 3 short paragraphs - The first paragraph announcing the page/offer has just gone live and then a link to the page.
The second should hit them with the main primary benefit of the product and the third a strong call to action designed to encourage the click through.
Email #3 - The Detail Email. Sent the next day, this email is to remind readers there is a great offer on right now and to highlight secondary or alternative benefits not previously mentioned. This can attract more readers who didn't click or purchase from our first email because maybe the primary benefit you chose just didn't work for them.
After the opening / reminder paragraph include the link.
Next... list the additional/new benefits in the form of 3 or 4 short/teaser style bullet points and again follow that with the link to the page.
Finally end the email with a reminder that this is their final chance to get the deal and close with a strong call to action that pushes the fear of loss button.
Email #4 - The Follow up/Thank You. It's always good to thank people who purchase from your offers and recommendations (and this type of email also serves to remind those that didn't buy what they missed by not taking action)
Depending on your results, this email can also include the possibility of a reopening... So if they missed out this time, you will try to bring the special deal back at some point soon just for them.
This follow up style of message can also work well if you promote something related to the offer you've just run. A complimentary product or service that the new buyers may find useful and or they can use with their new purchase.
You could also consider providing related content.
This serves two purposes: 1) it benefits your readers who purchased and helps them get more value from what they bought, and 2) it can also ignite more interest from the readers that didn't purchase, so that they are more attentive and interested if you decide to re-open.
An easy way to do this is to provide some links to relevant articles, a blog post or perhaps an info-graphic or Pinterest board etc.
Optional - Email #5 - The Final Call/Re-Opening. Depending on how well the promotion went you can decide if you want to re-open the offer.
Typically we do this if the original promotion achieved a decent level of conversion and interest. (We're looking to see around 4-5% or higher conversions over the original two days)
Note: This email should be sent no earlier than 2-3 days after the offer closes and no later than about 7-10 days after the original announcement email.
If the offer is to be re-opened then generally we only do it for a 24 hour period and typically only send out this one final message.
It may seem like over-kill, but if the original 48 hour promotion was successful it's a great way to round off the promotion and mop up any "fence sitters".
VERY IMPORTANT: Now I am sure you don't need me to tell you how
important it is to split test your emails / subject lines / body copy / bullets / calls to action etc. And also to ensure you are tracking open rates and clickthroughs and traffic to your pages.
So do make sure you take advantage of the stats your autoresponder service provides and that you add Google analytics or your own tracking script to your deal page. If you aren't tracking these elements you don't know what's working and what's not and you definitely don't want to be in that position.