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Procrastinating, more often than not, is something that will make you put off your task until the last minute. If success or fear of failure gives you the anxious feeling when a difficult task comes your way, just imagine the anxiety you are going to feel when the deadline of your critical task is fast approaching but you have not completed it yet because you procrastinated.
Imagine having several tasks that you have to complete at around a similar time. For sure, nervousness will be your first feeling when you think about being in such situations that you have put yourself in or will be putting yourself in because of your wrong decisions.
For different reasons, people tend to put off things time and time again until the very last minute and every time you do, you always have the similar nervous feeling that will take over your body. It is important for you to stop procrastination for the sake of your mental, emotional and physical well being. If you will not be extra careful, its effects can damage your life and make you susceptible to different consequences.
Negative Effects of Procrastination in Your Personal Life It is extremely unhealthy that you continue putting your body through this kind of stress because it is not just unhealthy for yourself alone for this also puts an unwanted strain on the different relationships of your life.
Based on studies, it has been suggested that anxiety can compromise your immune system, which can make your body prone to infections and diseases. When you feel anxious of things, you lose your ability to focus which can increase the chances of being involved in different accidents.
When you decide putting things off instead of dealing with them, what you are actually doing is creating more work for yourself down the road. And when you have more work, you will feel more stressed due to the backlogged work that you still need to do.
Surely, you know that simply avoiding completing your task today does not necessarily mean that you will no longer need to do it the next day. Some people think that when they go to sleep at night, you will wake up the next day with the task completed like magic. But you need to take note that this is not how things work. Instead, you will wake up with a much heavier burden compared to the previous day. This anxiety or stress that you feel for a long period of time will result to situations that are more situations, including depression and other types of mental illnesses.
While moderate stress can be good for you as this makes you more competitive and drive you to become more innovative, this can also drive you to a mental institution before you know it. If you will not learn how to better manage your stress, this can cause depression and similar mental issues which will make it even harder to cope with your life.
When you convince yourself to procrastinate, you are not really doing anything but just deceiving yourself into think that other things hold more importance than what you should be doing at the moment. One common reason why you are easily distracted is due to your lack of self control. For you to make the most out of your life, you need to learn how to control yourself better, particularly when personal finances are concerned. When you procrastinate when paying your bills, it will result to a mounting debt that can have a lasting effect on your life. This debt will not just affect you alone but also your children and your family as a whole.
For instance, if some bad debts have accumulated, there is a chance that this debt will be passed down to your children, making them responsible for it. Surely, this is not a kind of burden that you will want to put on your children simply because you have been irresponsible. If you do not pay your mortgage in time, the mortgage company or the bank will go on with home foreclosure.
It is just easy for you to tell yourself that you are going to pay the bill later or send the check over the mail tomorrow. However, what is not easy is dealing with the negative effects of sending the check in mail later and losing your home as the result.
Negative Effects of Procrastination in Other Aspects of Your Life The downsides of procrastination are not centered on your finances alone but there are also some serious consequences that it can give to your health. How many times did you hear stories of other people suffering from aches and avoiding visits to the doctor? The moment they go to their doctor, it will just be the result of absolute necessity and they will then learn that it is already something serious.
There are also stories when fortunately, the person visits the doctor just in the right time to know that it is already life threatening but there are also instances when they are not that lucky. Or how about the time when you suffer from a toothache and shrugged it off instead of fixing it with the simple sealant but will now require a root canal? Everyone procrastinates at some level but it is important to ensure that it will not lead to something life threatening.
You can also notice the effects of procrastination at work. At your workplace, you will need to beat deadlines that can help you stay on your task and organize your workload. Serious complications await you when you put off undesirable tasks. For instance, you can be seen as someone incompetent, unreliable or simply lazy. It is a must that when you have responsibility in your work, you need to execute this to the best of your ability for the sake of your integrity and relationship with your coworkers and colleagues.