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Chapter 8: Staying Motivated To Command And Control Your Mind
Would you wish that you have a super mind power that will enable you to transform your miserable life into a life that is filled with happiness, abundance and bliss? You might want to fall in love, to lose weight or get rich. Actually, you have such power. The only key is to able to keep motivated into commanding and controlling your life.
Your thoughts are highly powerful that they can even have control over your life and the situations that may happen to you. If you stay motivated to command and control your mind, you will also obtain great benefits in your life.
Your thoughts are really powerful and the more we think about negativities in our life, the more negative events we attract. Your thoughts can greatly affect us in various ways. They can also help us shape and create the reality that we experience. Whether your experience is bad or good, all of it is actually determined by your thoughts. No matter what circumstances or situation are that may happen on our life, things that we do stem from our thought.
About Your Thoughts
Your mind that creates thoughts is actually capable of obtaining achievements that you cannot even imagine, but there are still important things that you have to take into consideration in order to reap the kind of success that you want.
To be able to effectively access your own mind power, you have to keep motivated and be open to possibilities. It is also really important to believe in your own unlimited potential. Keeping motivated is the primary key that unlocks the door to the great power of your inner mind.
If you want accomplish something, you have to become more focused and motivated about achieving something. There are actually some mental exercises that are very simple that you can practice.
The primary step that you must take is to list down the things that you mostly desire. Do not reason as to those you ought to want. Rather, list down your wants quickly without thinking about it. Just write anything that immediately comes into your mind.
Now, you have to examine the list carefully and then ask yourself about potential rewards that you can get from each of those on your list. The rewards that you want must be expressed in the terms of feelings.
Bear in mind that feelings, both sweet and bitter are the essential fruits of your own lifetime experience. They’re the prize and once you depart in this world, you also leave behind all your worldly treasures. However, you feelings will always remain with you.
Make a simple and short command for your mind. Make it positive and clear. It is also important to make commands in your spoken words because this can help you in stimulating your mind into action.
Chapter 9: Staying On Track
Now you have come to understand that your thoughts are greatly powerful and can also make essential effects in your life. Having knowledge about this can help you to become more motivated on thinking on the positive things, so that your inner thoughts can attract positive things that can be manifested in your physical world. Your world is the mirror of your thoughts. By just observing you and knowing the kind of life and your attitude about it can define the thoughts you have within your mind.
All your feelings are associated directly with your own thoughts and if you really want to control your feelings, it is important to control first your thoughts. Having the right knowledge about how greatly powerful your thoughts are can help you to have more focus on thinking on the positive things in your life.
It is important to remember that the Law of Thinking is just one of the many Universal Laws silently governing the lives of people. By mastering these kinds of laws and staying on tract as well as working in harmony with them, people can achieve their greatest life’s success.
As James Allen stated, “Mind is the master that moulds and makes”, he clearly want to say that our mind is a powerful tool that can shape our life. By staying on track and effectively controlling and commanding our minds, we can get whatever we want to obtain in this life.
A person becomes what he thinks about, and his external world is the direct reflection of the internal world or his thoughts. If you want to stay on track and reap the benefits that you want, there are some important things that you have to consider such as focusing on end results.
Whether you are using a mantra or a mantram, an essential thing that you have to bear in mind is this: once you command and control your mind, you must just focus on your desired end result. Do not attempt to dictate how your mind will achieve its miracles because it is actually far more resourceful and clever than you can imagine. A super conscious mind always knows that there are thousands of ways in order to obtain the goal that you want.
The super conscious world of your own mind is actually wonderful and greatly magnificent. It is taking great joy when it comes to working in order to fulfill anything that you want.
What you really want in life and having focus to obtain it, is really a strong force and using it to be able to stimulate the inner world to make an action, can then be thrilled to give you what the desires of your heart in many ways that you never really dreamed possible. Staying on track and having focus on the things you desire can bring much success in your life.
Chapter 10: Making Resolutions For Command And Control
To make the right choice that can change your own destiny, the first important thing for you to do is to know yourself more and understand the things that you think of moment by moment. The things that you do and the thoughts in your mind in the present moment can create changes in your entire life.
Since our life is forever in a constant change of developing and creating, we create the story of our own life by controlling the thoughts in our mind and choosing the ideas that are within it. With just a single thought that we constantly think of, we can change our own destiny.