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If you are diagnosed with colon cancer, surgery is usually the best treatment. During the surgery, the tumor or malign polyp will be removed along with the tissue surrounding it. The surgery is nothing to be afraid of because the area of tissue around the polyp is usually a small perhaps, dime sized piece of tissue. The doctor will connect the healthy tissue around the hole so that it may grow together. If successful the cancerous cells and all tissues that was affected by the cancerous cells will have been removed and not affect the new tissue. If the cancer has spread into the rectum, the entire rectum is usually removed.
Complications from the surgery are not from the procedure, but from the chance that the cancerous cells may have spread to other parts of the body. If the cancer has spread to other organs within or around the colon, the survival rate for the patient is about 10% within a fiveyear period. If the cancer has not spread to other organs, most cancer patients can live ordinary lives. Eighty percent of all colon patients survive.
If the cancer spreads to the lymph nodes, more advanced surgical procedures may need to be performed. If surgery is out for the option, then chemotherapy will be implemented. The chemotherapy uses medicines that travel throughout the body and attacks cancerous cells. After colon cancer surgery there may be microscopic residue of cancerous cells in your colon. The chemicals will travel throughout your body and into your colon and attack the cancerous growths.
Chemotherapy is usually given at the doctor'fs office, but there are also instances when the chemotherapy can be taken from home. The most uncomfortable thing about chemotherapy is the side effects. These side effects are as individualized as the cancer itself. Some patients lose their hair, while others will become tired and dysfunctional during the process. The chemotherapy patient may become noxious to the point of vomiting or have bowel symptoms that include constipation or diarrhea.
If you are diagnosed with colon cancer, you can'ft afford to ignore the doctor'fs advice. This is a life-threatening condition which could lead to a slow and painful death. It is not fair to yourself or your family to let this condition go without proper treatment, surgery, or chemotherapy. The survival rate from surgery is very good compared to other types of cancers. The professionals that either perform the surgery or initiate the chemotherapy know what they'fre doing and your best interest and your life is in their hands.
It is better to have the procedures done as quickly as possible after diagnosis because the danger of the spread of the cancer from the colon to other parts of your body or organ systems is extremely high. Without the surgery, the cancer will definitely spread into your liver, lungs, and blood. When this happens, the doctors can really do nothing for you except to make your journey toward death more comfortable. If you'fre having trouble making the decision to have surgery or to consider chemotherapy, talk to a friend or a family member that has had a colon cancer treatment. Their experiences may make you feel more at ease and more willing to take the treatment. Don'ft wait too long, because time at this point is not on your side.