Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Featured Photos Feed - this is the feed of 5 photos that will change position each time a visitor lands on the page. Some branding companies use this feed for marketing their brand. Close up shots of products and company to entice visiting users.
Links Panel - this is located on the left side of the page and limits 8 links to be viewed on the landing page. You can have more links but these will be hidden from users and to view these links, users have to click MORE. Most visiting users will not click on this. Make sure you display the best 8 links for maximum exposure to visiting users.
Feedback - see trends of interaction on your page by content type, time of day or frequency as the administrator of your pages.
Featured Likes - there are 5 featured Likes displayed under the Links Panel. You can set the 5 featured pages in your settings so that they do not rotate. They must represent the best features of you brand.
Different Layouts - you can change the wall layout of your landing page for visitors. They are Most Recent or posts made by the page. If Most Recent then users will see every interaction made on the page. Many businesses choose the posts made by the page.
Vanity URL - if you have your own domain, you can set it up to point to your own profile on Facebook. The same can be done for Twitter, Linkedln and others.