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Creating the comfortable and openness factor of information sharing within the organization help to foster closer ties between the employees and employers which would then have the positive impact on both parties working harder to make the venture a success.
When all communication is taken seriously and without prejudice the resulting feeling of worth is immeasurable. However designing a suitable method or style of communication ideas, feedbacks and any other vital information should be clearly drawn up to encourage such sharings without fear of negative repercussions.
Whenever possible avoid “close door” meeting as this often creates the element of speculation which more often than not results in unnecessary uneasiness for all those not privy to the meeting’s content.
Getting employees to put forth their ideas from time to time may eventually create awareness among the employers of the various yet undiscovered capabilities of their employees.
Whenever meeting are arranged, ensure time is set aside specifically for all those present to give their opinions and views on the subject matter of the said meeting.
By doing so the company creates a non confrontational platform for all thoughts to be tabled and aired and maybe even for new ideas to be put forth.
Tapping the communication lines between the various levels within the company structure often yields surprisingly positive information that would otherwise not be known. Also the fact that these ideas are cost virtually nothing is another reason to encourage open communication.