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Chapter 4: Open The Lines Of Communication With Employees
Communication is one of the most important tools within the business arena, a without the avenue of open communication available at all levels within the business frame, many negative elements can develop. These negative elements can then eventually contribute to the down fall of the business venture itself, therefore encouraging an open platform style of communication is not only healthy but beneficial too.
Creating the comfortable and openness factor of information sharing within the organization help to foster closer ties between the employees and employers which would then have the positive impact on both parties working harder to make the venture a success.
When all communication is taken seriously and without prejudice the resulting feeling of worth is immeasurable. However designing a suitable method or style of communication ideas, feedbacks and any other vital information should be clearly drawn up to encourage such sharings without fear of negative repercussions.
Whenever possible avoid “close door” meeting as this often creates the element of speculation which more often than not results in unnecessary uneasiness for all those not privy to the meeting’s content.
Getting employees to put forth their ideas from time to time may eventually create awareness among the employers of the various yet undiscovered capabilities of their employees.
Whenever meeting are arranged, ensure time is set aside specifically for all those present to give their opinions and views on the subject matter of the said meeting.
By doing so the company creates a non confrontational platform for all thoughts to be tabled and aired and maybe even for new ideas to be put forth.
Tapping the communication lines between the various levels within the company structure often yields surprisingly positive information that would otherwise not be known. Also the fact that these ideas are cost virtually nothing is another reason to encourage open communication.
Chapter 5: Balance The Needs Of Customers And Employees
Everyone has their own individual needs and these needs will vary greatly from time to time, thus the company needs to be able to provide the suitable recourses to address the needs as and when they may arise.
Both the employee and customer play pivotal roles to create the necessary or desired success ratios of a business, therefore some serious thought must be put into keeping both these groups as satisfied as possible.
Unhappy employees eventually become disgruntled workers while unhappy customers simply resort to taking their business elsewhere thus effectively bring about the possible down fall of the company.
The following are some recommendation which can be used to address the need for balance between the two parties:
Through communication with both employees and as frequently as possible with customers, various support tools can be identified to assist the employees in providing better services to the customers and also keeping the customers happy because of the active interest shown, that is perceived to be respecting and prioritizing the customer.
Companies that work on shifts could also be encouraged to be more flexible towards shift swapping and time off for personal commitments. Employees who are given such privileges generally stay loyal and work harder for the company as they perceive the company to be caring and aware of their lives outside the work frame. This then in turn creates happy employees who willingly and consciously go the extra mile to ensure their customers stay happy too.
Though a little harder and maybe even perceived to be a little unnecessary, companies that plan their meeting away from the work place have been noted to be more effective and productive as the employees are able to muster better mindset and ideas though the more relaxed venues. Taking the extra incentive to invite families along again helps to foster the feelings of worth and care on the part of the company.
Chapter 6: Adjust With Trial And Error And Maintain A Positive Attitude
When venturing in to any business endeavor or even within an organization there are many tried and true methods one can follow in order to maintain a positive attitude. However make the necessary adjustments should be done as quickly and as positively as possible, while at all times maintaining high elements of a positive attitude.
Though sometimes the experiences can seem rather overwhelming making the effort to try new and more innovative methods to achieve the desired success is well worth the effort. It is possible to survive and even thrive in the midst of trial and errors that may seem costly as first.
Always advocating to remain positive, respectful and diplomatic will help create the mindset that is accepting of changes and newer styles that may be necessary to implement for the sake of better business revenues.
By forming good working relationships the impacts of trails and errors become less detrimental as these alliances will kick in and help to come up with ideas to try to correct the situation. Looking at the trials and errors as learning curves instead of setbacks also helps the individual retain a positive and productive demeanor which will eventually be the contributing factor to improvements made.
Learning from others who may have experienced similar predicaments also helps the individual try the same methods with the positive expectations that can play a role in ensuring its success.