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When your mentorship ends and you have successfully trained a protege, it is beneficial to keep your momentum going.
You may want to give yourself a cooling-off period to reflect on the process before beginning again, but if the mentoring program was successful, you should continue to act as a coach and mentor.
Do not forget that coaching/mentoring is a two-way street.
You will learn as much from your proteges as they learn from you. By continuing to mentor, you will gain diversification, new life outlooks, and the satisfaction of having assisted several people in launching their careers.
This reflects positively on you, both professionally and personally.
When you are ready to find another protege, you can simply return to the beginning of the selection process and start fresh. There are also additional options for finding a new protege once you have completed a coaching mentorship.
Referrals From Your Proteges
During the mentoring process, you and your protege will have gotten to know each other well. You will be familiar with each other's likes and dislikes; your personal and professional goals; your personalities and preferences.
This makes any of your former proteges to be an excellent resource for discovering new proteges to take on.
If you plan to continue mentoring, you should bring this issue to light at the dissolution of the mentor-protege relationship. Let your protege know that you will be looking for another newcomer to assist as you have assisted them, and ask him or her to keep an eye out for likely candidates.
Even if your protege continues working at your company or in your same line of internet business, he will likely have different experiences and may move in slightly different circles.
College interns can also sometimes make good recommendations regarding other college students. Interaction between college students does not tend to be separated by grade level; rather, students are familiar with others who are majoring in the same subjects. A graduating senior college student may know of some promising juniors who would be ready to intern soon.
Referrals that you can act on with confidence will lessen your workload when it comes to taking on new proteges.
You should still initiate a formal investigation and interview process with a potential protege-but in the case of referrals, you will only need to perform the process once, and there is no pressure to decide between multiple qualified candidates.
After-Retirement Mentoring
Mentoring after retirement can sometimes be more rewarding than mentoring during your career. At this point, you have likely gained a wealth of knowledge that will prove immensely beneficial to any protege.
Retirement also allows you to involve yourself in mentoring on a full-time basis. With the restrictions of time and quality erased, you may find that you are able to truly make a difference in the direction of a protege's career.
Your protege will be appreciative of the ability to spend more time working with you. You will also be more flexible in regards to meeting locations, as you can interact at any time.