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Closing Sales Using Joint Ventures
If you have a product but are relatively an unknown person, it can be dif-ficult to get attention to your website or product. What if you knew someone who already had an established sales funnel, complete with cus-tomers and sales? If you could piggyback off of their success, you could use this to sell better. This is what can happen when you find joint ven-tures.
You reach out to a well-known product vendors and offer to let them sell your product. In exchange, you give them a high percentage of the prof-its. Some are even willing to give 100% of the initial profits to the part-ner. Why would you agree to this type of arrangement?
There are several reasons. The first could be you are the one capturing the emails during the sale. These customers will be added to your list when they buy your product. The good news is the partner does all the selling, including any advertising and promotions. Your responsibility is to make sure you have a sales page that converts well. Sometimes, a good joint venture partner will take care of that for you.
Another reason is that you may offer upgrades, or cross-sells. As annoying as customers find these, they still work quite well. Otherwise, marketers would not concentrate their efforts on including them. In this instance, the partner’s percentage on these extras is smaller. Some sellers choose to keep 100% of the extra sales, but when you offer your partners part of this, they will be even more motivated to sell for you. If you offer an ex-tremely low-priced product as the first sell, they may not want to enter into a partnership with you. Giving a percentage of the extra sales could seal the deal.
As an aside, make sure your product is high quality. This should go with-out saying, but many people don’t heed this. If partners find that your product is receiving a high rate of returns, they may not want to work with you again in the future. Word also gets out to other potential part-ners, and you can burn many bridges and not just with the initial partner. Besides, you want to make customers happy. If you are only doing this for the sales, you won’t last long in business.
Joint ventures are a great way to get others to sell for you, providing you find the right partners, and you give them great products as part of the mix. It also helps to establish your products and brand.
Do You Have Full Sales Support?
You are great at getting leads. You call the leads, close the sale one after another. Your close rate is fantastic. In fact, they call you The Closer at work. Then, you enter it into the sales system and hope and pray every-thing goes smoothly from there. A week later you get a call from the cus-tomer wondering what’s happening with their order.
You can have the greatest sales force in the world, but it won’t mean much if sales are delayed or getting lost. The front end is doing its job, but the backend is not keeping up. It could be a system problem, or it could be staffing shortfalls. Whatever the case, this can be a worse condi-tion than not getting the sales in the first place. If you get negative re-views and comments because of these types of problems, this can hurt your business.
If you are the sole worker in your company, you may think you are ex-empt from this type of problem. However, if third-party companies are responsible for fulfillment or order processing it can affect you as well. At least when order processing is part of a company, there is something the company can do to change the procedures. When you are dealing with third-party companies, if you don’t get satisfaction, the only recourse is to try and find a different company.
Businesses will often test their sales flow to make sure all the compo-nents are working as planned. Sometimes they hire outside companies to handle these tests. You may have heard of the term mystery shopper. This is one class of company that can do testing for you. Having an out-side entity helps to keep from having bias entered into the process. If employees know the person who is testing out the process, it may not be as effective.
If there aren’t procedures in place for the entire sales process, the differ-ent departments are likely to point fingers at each other. Should sales handle calls from customers, or should that be a function of the customer service department? When procedures are implemented, this problem can be reduced in a significant manner. You won’t catch every situation, es-pecially in the beginning. But, you can handle them as they occur.
It’s an ongoing process that takes some time to get it right. But when you do, your customers will have a great experience buying from your com-pany.
Faster Sales Using Better Copy
If you are looking to close more sales, use a sales page to do it for you. Before you start typing away, however, you need to understand the dy-namics of good sales copy.
Describe the Problem
People go on the web to look for solutions to their problems. You want to position yourself or your company as the one who can provide that solu-tion. But, before you can get to that point, you need to connect with the reader. Describing the problem will give them the mental background needed to connect with them.
It’s critical to use storytelling as part of your sales copy. Tell a story of how a particular person (use a name) found themselves in a similar situa-tion as what the reader is going through. Can you see how this would make the reader feel welcome by doing that?
Let Them Know It’s Not Their Fault
At this stage, temporarily break away from storytelling mode and get into blaming the giant industry corporations for deceiving your reader. Let them know that as a result of the big, bad corporations’ actions, they are not at fault.
Empathize with the Reader
State how you or someone you know has been in this situation before and how you used your product or service to solve the problem. This gives the reader hope and shows they are not alone in their plight. Misery loves company.