BREAKING NEWS: Setting up the affiliate promotion tools for your sites used to be a total pain... At Least Until Now!
Dear Clickbank vendor,
If you are a Clickbank vendor then you know how affiliates are important to your business...
The problem is that most affiliates are lazy and if you don't provide them instant promotion tools then they will go to the next vendor and won't even check your product. Also many of affiliates are just newbies that won't know how to use the standard affiliate link Clcikbank provide them for your product.
If you want to make it ridiculously easy for your affiliates and guarantee you make more sales then you have to give them a variety of material that they can use instantly and not just a single affiliate link to promote your product.
With "Clickbank Promo Tools Generator" you can now create your dynamic affiliates promotion tools page in less than 2 minutes.
You will have a ready to use affiliate promotion tools for your affiliates with embeded affiliate links, graphics and popups, all of them ready for your affiliate to cut and paste into their webpages. All your affiliate has to do is fill in a simple form and this special dynamic page does the rest.