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UsingReviews To Cash In With Affiliate Marketing
Writing reviews can put some serious cash in the bank if you make it work for you, 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
I want to teach you to focus on ClickBank’s marketplace as your source for content and cash when writing reviews for your blog. There are many excellent reasons to do this – both for your readers’ sakes and for your own affiliate marketing success.
For one thing, ClickBank product quality can vary widely. People need a “guide” to get them safely past the duds to find targeted products they really need. Anyone who can deliver rapidly becomes an “authority” – which is the fast track to turning yourself into a sought-after super affiliate.
In order to do this, however, you need to know how to get past those duds yourself.
I cover more than just blog posts as a review delivery method in the report you are reading now. You can use other media too, to bolster your efforts, and that’s just one of the topics I cover, too.
You’ll need a checklist of all the ingredients to include in a review, in order to generate click-throughs that lead to sales. I don’t stop there – I break each element in the checklist down to make sure you don’t miss a trick. As you read you’ll find out tips like:
1. 4 different but equally effective methods of creating that all-important review post headline
2. A simple way to get your readers to relate
3. How to handle images – where and how to place them (and when and why you should)
4. 3 ways to provide “proof” – and the way to tell your readers how the product you’re reviewing works, without spilling all the creator’s secrets
Mind you, one of the biggest complaints about ClickBank affiliate marketing lies in finding the right products, yourself! I’m going to share my easy, foolproof ClickBank product research secret – it’s simple, instant and it won’t cost you anything, unless you choose to upgrade (and you really don’t have to, at all!)
It also includes my 9 secret strategy tips – such as creating backlinks within your own site, to your own archived content, to dramatically increase your review site SEO!
If review blogging is something you’re just getting started in, why not specialize and give ClickBank review blogging a try. Clickbank Blogging
The Most Important Component of Affiliate Marketing
Reviews are said to be the most important component of affiliate marketing. There are some subtle and not-so-subtle reasons for that.
1. People like to feel you’re in their “corner”. When an affiliate marketer takes the time to nurture the members of her niche, solve their problems and look out for their interests, each member comes to trust the person who does good things for them – and consistently helps them succeed.
How do you do all these good things?
By finding them exactly the product they need to solve this week’s problem or enhance their lives (or even just their hobby). You do this by focusing on their problem, not on the product. Strange as this may sound.
After you’ve showed them the pros and cons of a product, directing them to your affiliate link should feel as if it’s almost an afterthought, or – even better – as helpfully supplying the exact way to do what you’ve just been talking about.
2. People don’t like being “sold” to. Nobody likes to be manipulated, and that’s what the old-school style of aggressive selling amounts to, in most people’s minds today. When you’ve shared a secret method of making money with your reader, it should feel as if you’ve truly shared a secret method, and helped them in the process.
This level of service is what online readers demand nowadays. Yes, “in your face” selling still works – but at the cost of your credibility, if your skills aren’t quite at the level of Billy Mays or Anthony Sullivan. You’re seen as the next best thing to a carnival hawker; and while these people do a unique and mesmerizing job and that comment is not meant to judge them, there’s a reason most of them end their days as carnival hawkers, still living on a shoestring; and not living next door to another celebrity or otherwise enjoying their particular dream lifestyle. Clickbank Blogging
But there’s another, far simpler reason to avoid “hard sell” techniques, and it has nothing to do with your customers: Most affiliate marketers just don’t have the “hard sell” personality. They don’t enjoy manipulating and pushing people into buying. They actually enjoy finding products people rave about. And all of us love a good paycheck – one that allows us to comfortably live the lifestyle we’ve chosen, taking care of people we love. Writing reviews is a perfect way to:
• Recommend products you’ve tried that really work
• Show people how to solve a problem
• Make a connection, and enjoy a relationship with your readers
In fact, affiliate review blogging embodies this softer sell, service-based method of selling – as well as helping you comfortably maintain your integrity and ethics.
Amanda’s Secret
Years ago, I had an opportunity to watch a friend at work in a “tack” (equestrian supplies) store. This happened on a busy Saturday, and it was a revelation to see how patiently and helpfully she matched customers and their horses with the right saddles and bridles. By patient questioning and listening, she focused on the areas of horsemanship each customer indulged in, taking into account their budget, and what would give them the best performance and comfort for their needs. She repeated the same focused, patient procedure for Western boots, specialty horse feed, hoof products, supplements, riding apparel, hoof picks and English safety-approved helmets, too. No product was too “small potatoes”, if it would help her customer and his horse enjoy a better equine experience.