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In a lot of cases the God factor only comes into play when all other sources of satisfaction are exhausted or when old age sets in. Besides this, some people only turn to God as a last and desperate resort, when trouble comes knocking and all other forms of help does not work.
Those who are lucky enough to discover the wonderful relationship with God early, are blessed and privileged to be counted as a child of God. Though we are all born God’s children, acknowledging the relationship takes us to another level of spiritual intimacy with our creator. Being a child of God, accords us certain privileges, among which are peace, love, wisdom, health and many, many more.
A true child of God will make it their life’s work to share and spread the “good news” of the wonders of God. Practicing the fruits of the Holy Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and self control would be the ultimate challenge of the child of God. By showing these virtues to those around them, in their everyday life, the child of God will help to draw others into their circle. Most people are automatically drawn to those with a pleasant disposition in life which is one of the positive attributes of a child of God.
Being a child of God does not necessarily include practicing rituals and daily worship sessions. Doing these things without showing God’s “personality” in your life is not only hypocritical but also off putting for those around. This not only tarnishes God’s image, but also causes people to see God in a negative light.