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Chapter 5: Meal Time for Your Kids
Many people and parents are unaware of the fact that it is not only what your child eats that contributes to them eating healthy but also the environment and eating habits that your family has as a whole.
Meal time is very important and it should not be spent in front of the TV. Meal times are a chance for bonding, and believe it or not they offer a perfect opportunity to teach your children the importance of eating healthy food.
The following chapter will go over the importance of eating meals as a family and will provide you with some example of how exactly you can use meal times to influence your child to eat healthier food.
Use Meal Times to Provide Examples
Meal times provide parents a great opportunity to communicate with their child or children. This time can be used as an opportunity to talk to your children about the importance of eating healthy foods as well as provide them with some examples of things that could happen to them if they do not eat healthy food.
The following are some examples of how and why eating as a family can encourage healthy eating habits that will be sure to keep your child well nourished.
Parents are Examples
As mentioned before in this book, your child looks up to you for guidance in everything you do, including the food that you choose to eat. If your child sees you eating healthy food on a regular basis, they will be much more likely to eat healthy food as you set an example for them.
Kids are Different
If you have more than one child, you are probably more than aware of the fact that children like and dislike different things. For this reason you need to understand that your child may not like the same healthy foods as one of your other kids. You will need to determine what each of your children’s likes and dislikes are and use this information during meal planning.
Social Interaction
The social interaction that is provided by eating meals as a family can contribute to a child having healthier eating habits for many different reasons. One of the most beneficial reasons is probably the fact that eating as a family and having conversations as a family will force your child to slow down with their eating. This will help your child better determine when they are full and this will help your child refrain from over eating.
Chapter 6: Illnesses Associated with Poor Nutrition
There are many dangers associated with children developing poor eating habits from an early age. Some of these dangers include actual physical illnesses. Some of these illnesses can have a very negative on a child’s life in the future. In fact, some of these illnesses can actually greatly limit the things that they will be able to do. Some of these effects will stop them from being able to live a normal happy life. Some of these effects can actually be life threatening and if not controlled can actually lead to death.
Eating healthy and teaching your children about the benefits of nutritional food is very important and they are never too young to begin teaching them these things. In fact, the earlier you teach them the better the effect will be.
The following chapter will provide you with some examples of the types of illnesses that can be developed as a result of poor nutrition.
The Dangers of Poor Nutrition
Although being over-weight or obese are serious issues, there are far much worse consequences that can come as a result of poor nutrition. The scary thing is that some of these illnesses are irreversible. This basically means that once a person has the illness they will have it for the rest of their life. I am sure that you do not want your child to have a difficult life and I am positive that you do not want them to have to suffer from an illness for the rest of their life. The best place to start to make sure your child does not develop diet related illnesses is to make sure that they have healthy eating habits.
The following are some examples of the different types of illnesses that can be developed as a result of poor nutrition:
Anemia is a serious problem and it can come with a lot of undesired health results. Anemia is an illness that causes a person’s blood to become weak. They have a hard time replacing blood and this leads to some serious problems. Anemia can cause problems such as shortness of breath. It can also cause dangerous problems such as getting light headed or even fainting when standing. People with anemia will also have a faster heart beat and they will feel weak and tired the majority of the time.
Beriberi is an illness that affects an individual’s ability to turn food into useable energy. This illness is caused by a thiamine deficiency.
This disease can actually cause a person to completely lose their appetite and this can be very dangerous for your child’s health if they stop eating. Beriberi also causes serious problems such as severe weakness. This weakness is even worse in the legs. Those who have Beriberi have a hard time trying to do the simplest things such as standing up.
Having a diet that consists of unhealthy food combined with a lack of exercise is a recipe for diabetes. This is especially true for people who have diabetes that already runs in their family. If diabetes is hereditary in your family it is very important that you make sure that your children are eating a nutritional diet. Diabetes is a very serious disease and it can cause some very serious negative health issues. In most cases, diabetes cannot be cured it can only be managed. I’m sure that you do not want your child to have to be inconvenienced by a life of counting carbs and measuring insulin shots. In severe cases, diabetes can even lead to limbs needing to be amputated as a result of gangrene and even death. There are some more common symptoms of diabetes and the following are a few examples.