"Now You Can Get Instant Access To A Practical “Hands On” Tutorial Workshop To Show You How to use ChatGPT to Increase Your Marketing Activity" Watch This Recorded Tutorial Workshop Showing You a Examples of Integrating ChatGPT Into Your Marketing Activity
If you’re like most people, you’re going to be super excited about what you’re about to learning the basics of ChatGPT.
But, it’s possible that you also may be like most people in that you are a little uncertain about whether you're ready to use ChatGPT for something in real life.
In fact, THIS is one thing that keeps people from starting upgrading a platform like ChatGPT...is it really going to work?
But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered
I recorded a “hands on”, over the shoulder workshop demonstrating how to integrate ChatGPT into your marketing strategy and how you'll be able to use it to create effective marketing campaigns.
Here they are:
Key Element #1
Opening Your Account
Key Element #2
OpenAI as a Company
Key Element #3
Getting Accuracy
Key Element #4
Getting Citations
Key Element #5
Creating Good Content
Key Element #6
Narrowing Down Queries
Yes…We've cover more advanced elements...
Remember, most of the people who get started like you will spend weeks trying to practically apply the concepts learned into a real strategy.
Sure, they’ll know WHAT to do, but will they know WHY to do it?