Ebook Sample Content Preview:
The purpose of writing and distributing articles is to get traffic to your website, establish yourself as an expert, and ultimately to increase your sales. Just writing and submitting articles isn’t enough, however. You must give your articles the ability to become viral.
A viral articles is one that you write once, and distribute to the various article sites on the Internet. From there, ezine publishers, blog writers, and website owners who publish information in your niche will find the article and publish it on their websites, blogs, and in their ezines.
From those websites, blogs, and ezines, other people who also have a media in which to portray your work will pick it up and publish it as well. It just spreads and spreads. The sky is the limit.
Five years from now, you could be surfing about the Internet and come across an article that you wrote and distributed just today. Will you be surprised to find that the website owner only recently published your article on their site? If you conducted a search for that same article, at that time five years from now, you may be astounded as to how widely the article traveled!
However, the article won’t go anywhere unless you give it the ability to become viral. This is easily done by including a notice at the very bottom of the article that gives others permission to reprint the article, free of charge, providing that the article remains unchanged, and the author’s resource box is included in the reprint.
It’s that simple. One small sentence at the bottom of your articles can change the entire scope of your business, simply by allowing the article to spread like wild fire. Without that notice, others won’t be certain that your article is available for reprints, even if they find the article at an article site. If they are in doubt, most people won’t use it at all to protect themselves from copyright infringement accusations.