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When you’ve got this far… When you’ve tested small Solo Ad purchases. Tweaked your system. Re-tested and started to turn those paid-for-leads into money in the bank… it’s time to scale your empire and grown your business.
And as someone trying to teach you what to do that makes it hard for me. Because now you have become an expert in your own right.
You’ll know what is and what isn’t working in your market and for your niche. From looking at what offers convert best and reading the feedback from your subscribers you’ll know more about them than anyone else. You’ll have found your own voice and created your own community.
From here on everything you do is based on the results of what is and isn’t working. And that could change in 6 weeks, 6 months, 6 years or never.
This is when I remember my uncles and aunts asking me “What do you want to be when you grow up? ” You might reply “A doctor, a nurse, a fireman… “. The adults don’t ask “… and then what do you want to do?”
Who knows?! By that time everything has changed and you’ll be older, wiser and experienced enough to know which direction you will take. This is why some many people end up in jobs or with businesses the ‘fell into’.
The “what do you want to do when your older” is a silly analogy but it’s very true and the exact same once you’ve mastered buying Solo Ads and tweaking your system.