Ebook Sample Content Preview:
You can monetize PLR very easily with a membership-site model. Here's how it works:
You build a simple subscription based website that offers customers access to content on a weekly or monthly basis (I always stick with monthly because from my experience they are easier to sell)
You repackage PLR content either into "personal use products" or if you are planning on reselling the PLR rights, you will want to decide on one type of package and stick to it.
Example: You could build a membership site that offers PLR to reports that come with squeeze pages, or to a business in a box package that includes everything from a sales page to an ebook. Just the same, you could start a PLR article website that offers direct access to 50 articles a month, with PLR rights.
Whatever you decide to offer is what you will need to stick with, as members will expect the same content type (and amount) every month.
Membership PLR sites usually go above and beyond by offering bonuses, extra content, freebies and incentives that keep members subscribed to the site. Since there are so many different avenues in which a customer can purchase PLR content, you want to give subscribers a clear reason as to why they should stick with you.
You can create strong benefits easily just by offering more - for less, or by hiring a freelance writer to create small packages of custom content that are only available to your members!
Your membership site may need a specific focus, depending on what you plan to offer. If you are offering PLR rights to content, you should decide whether you are covering a wide market (such as marketing or design), or a more specific niche market (weight loss, PLR, etc).
I've been using MemberSpeed for years and have been absolutely satisfied with it, not to mention how happy my members are simply because it's not only easy to use but you can really customize your website around what is most important to your customers.
In addition, MemberSpeed can be easily enhanced with plugins giving you the opportunity to expand your membership offer, build up a strong back-end, monetize through many different channels and much, much more. It truly is one of the most powerful, feature-rich and SIMPLE membership systems online.
Selling PLR - No Cost Set Up
If you can't afford to purchase membership scripts, download delivery clients or you just want to start off at the lowest cost possible, there are a few different ways to build a bare-bones website that sells PLR or PLR based products.
For a Membership PLR site, if you can’t afford DLG, then here’s how you do it:
Log into PayPal and click Merchant Services at the top.
Click the Buy Now Button.
Choose Subscriptions from the drop down menu.
Give it an item name and customize your button - however, you want it to look.
Enter the billing amount for each cycle, and choose what a “cycle” is
Skip the Track Inventory Feature and enter any checkout page specifics you want for your subscribers and then create your button!
PayPal will handle your subscriptions, but you’ll be responsible for manually delivering via email the monthly deliverables to each PLR buyer - and make sure you do it with a BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) so that you’re not showing every buyer’s email address to the group.
You can set up your Squidoo lens with the introduction as your short sales copy, and then use Link Lists or whatever type of module (text, etc) that you want to showcase the different product categories that you offer.
Essential Tools
Regardless how you plan to monetize PLR content, whether you choose to create a PLR based store or you are planning to simply create information products from existing PLR content, you will want to create a web presence all your own. To do this, you need a professional hosting account.
I choose HostGator for a few reasons including the fact that they're affordable (one of the lower-cost hosting options online), reliable; have 24/7 customer support and they're VERY easy to use!
You can start out with a Hatchling Plan, but it only allows one site. It’s $8.95/month. I like to use the Baby Plan for $9.95/month because it allows unlimited sites.