Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Put up Adsense on your site as it is a passive way of earning an income online. The only thing you need to do is to increase the traffic to your site. Create more content and write often. Talk to your blog readers and commenter’s. Get to know them and what they are looking for.
Once you have some feedback, create an eBook and sell it to them. Your knowledge has a price, so it's your chance to take this opportunity and make a living out of it.
Besides that, you can also promote other people's products and get a commission out of it. Your blog will act as a middle person and introduce the reader to a high quality product. If you manage to create a huge list of subscribers, you will make a killing out it. Even 1% conversion out of 10,000 subscribers will give you 100 sales. That sure adds up over time.
Is there any kind of service you can provide to your readers? Some sort of consulting service, article writing or coach them if you are fitness blogger, internet marketer or financial expert. It’s a great platform to market yourself and get an extra income from your blog.
This will position you as an authority in the eyes of your readers and get you more exposure to a larger crowd.
Use this chance to create a brand for yourself online. Create relationship with new visitors and strengthen the ties with old customers. They are the ones who will spread the good word about you and your blog. Word of mouth marketing is the best way to increase the buzz about your blog.