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Chapter 5: Build Strong Relationships With Workers
A big part of ensuring a company is well run and making profits is evident in how it is keeping those working at the company happy. Happy workers equal good working environments and therefore better quality of work is produced.
The key to creating the ideal platform for the working environment lies in the ability to build strong relationships with the workers. When the strength of the relationship is evident the loyalty levels of the workers is also much higher and this is a very important motivational factor.
Workers are more likely to go the extra mile for employers who are caring and are concerned about their comforts and the working environment.
Some of the practices that can foster strong working relationships are noted below:
The manner in which “orders” are given is very important thus one should adopt the attitude of asking rather than telling someone to get something done.
Being clear with instructions and what is expected is also something that is highly regarded in the mechanism of getting the cooperation of others. Clarity ensures focused and goal centered work attitudes.
Being polite is a great way to gain the cooperation and respect of those working within the project. Without politeness there is a very real possibility of creating animosity with those people who are supposed to be ideally working together toward the same successful end.
This animosity can and usually does cause the working environment to be severely affected thus effectively damaging the relationship with the workers. Learning to refer to worker by their names is one of the best ways to warm their hearts as it projects the perception of their importance.
Recognizing and ensuring that there is no encroachment on the private time of the workers is important. Creating workloads that often require the workers to stay back late thus eating into the own private time will create resentment and this is not good for building stronger relationships.
Chapter 6: Provide Good Feedback
Providing feedback is one way of getting people to improve on their current work contributions and also getting people to be more aware of how they can improve.
However the feedback exercise should be done in a manner that is neither offensive nor condescending.
Frequent feedback given, if done with good intentions and in a constructive manner, will help any business or individual eventually make the necessary improvements which will then be reflected in the elevated success rates.
Most companies and employees value feedback especially if it is given in a timely manner. Where there are problems and expectations are not going as first designed then feedback provided can sometimes help to shed light on the shortcomings of particular contributing factors.
This is very important especially when the business projections are not being met and even worse, are on the decline. By the feedback given ah involved are able to take a step back and view the situation from the viewpoint of the feedback source therefore acquiring better understanding and making the necessary adjustments will be easier.
Striking a good balance in the commenting habit is also encouraged. In most cases feedback is only given when something negative has occurred, but a good feedback is also equally important if not more so. This is mainly because it will edify the person, group or company thus spurring them on the work even harder.
Providing good feedback can also be done in the form of dialogue. Very often the feedback is given in very much a one sided manner.
This is often not helpful to the receiving party if there is little they can do to change the current situation, therefore is the feedback is done in an open dialogue style both parties are better able to understand the situation and work out a solution.
Chapter 7: How Outsourcing Can Help Your Business
There are a lot of merits to using the outsourcing style to keep the smooth running of any business mechanism and it is becoming more popular to seek this kind of help due to its positive contributions to the business as a whole.
How It Helps
The following are some of the reasons why outsourcing can benefit a business mechanism:
Perhaps the most important contributing factor would be the one pertaining to cost. If a company had to explore the possibilities of setting up a separate department for a particular part of the overall work procedures needed for the project at hand, it end up being a rather costly affair.
This is mainly due to several issues such as the hiring of new staff, the availability of space for the new workers and the project they take on, the resources and possible assisting tools that may be needed and many more other connective elements.
All this when measured against making the choice to use an outsourcing option will in most cases prove to be cost effective.
The company can then focus all its efforts in other areas, thus bringing the business to more competitive level in the market.
More time can be spent on making the product or business more visible and thus gamering more revenue to the company.
There is also no need to have to file documentations that would otherwise have to be done on behalf of the hiring of the new badge of workers to serve in the project. This is a disadvantage when the services of the workers are only for a short period of time which does not justify the efforts for the above mentioned documentation process.
Faster processes can be expected, with the use of the outsourcing option, as the expertise provided will be based on the outsourced capabilities and contributions.