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There are usually some good ways that the parent can teach the child to adopt when faced with a situation where bullying can be quite a possible result of the confrontation.
Teaching the child to assess the situation before taking any action would be the first step to initiate. Teaching the child the art of trusting their instincts will also be helpful when trying to size up the situation at hand.
The child would also need to be very aware of the surrounding related to the situation should some action be called for. All these various thought processes should be done with an air of confidence that will help to counter intimidate the bully.
Keeping a cool head by speaking in a monotone that shows complete indifference to the possible threat will help to deflect any immediate threat from the bully.
However it should be noted that any action taken on the part of the victim should not be done in a manner that might be perceived as trying to challenge the bully.
This would almost always have negative repercussions and the victim can eventually end up being blamed for the whole situation.
Standing one’s ground with an air of composure that belies the actual feeling of fear underneath should be something the parent encourages the child to practice.
Doing this in front of a mirror would be ideal as the child will be able to gain confidence in actually seeing how positive the visual effects can be.