Ebook Sample Content Preview:
It doesn’t matter what you’re selling. It doesn’t matter where you’re selling it. Chances are, your customers have a lot of options. Problem is, all this competition makes your products, services and your business as a whole virtually invisible in the marketplace.
That’s not a good thing.
Imagine for this for a moment... You’re standing on a crowded street in a big city like New York. You’re looking for a friend. He tells you he’ll be wearing a dark suit.
Guess what?
It’s the middle of the work week, and all the men on the street are wearing dark suits down there in the business district. Your eyes scan over thousands of suit-clad men.
Your friend is invisible in this crowd.
That’s what your product is like in the busy marketplace.
Even people who’re looking specific solutions can’t find you, because your products just blend in with the rest of the products. You’re like a guy in a suit standing on a busy street full of other guys in suits.
So how do you make yourself stand out?
Well, if you’re a guy in a dark suit, you put on a bright yellow suit and go stand on a platform with a bullhorn. That ought to attract the attention you need.
If you’re a business owner, however, then the key is to develop a powerful branding strategy which:
Sets you apart from your competitors. Gives your prospects a strong reason to buy your products and services. Cements loyalty to turn one-time customers into lifelong repeat buyers. Boosts sales and revenue over the long-term.
And that’s exactly what you’ll discover how to do inside this course, Let’s get started…
Module 1:
Overview of the Bulletproof Branding Course…
Since we’re just getting started, Module 1 doesn’t have any planning sheets or checklists for you to complete.
But that doesn’t mean you don’t have an assignment. Your assignment is to grab your favorite beverage, sit back and continue on with the course… because things are about to get really interesting!
Module 2: The DNA of Branding
You just discovered that branding is really about conveying a feeling to your prospects and customers. However, until you actually start examining brands for yourself, this concept may not seem all that clear to you.
As such, for this module we’d like you to go through and really look at some of the most popular brands in the world. Below you’ll find a few suggestions to get you started. However, you can do this exercise with any brand – so if you’re living in a place where the following brands aren’t familiar, then choose your own brands and complete the worksheet.
What you’ll do is deconstruct three brands.
Here are our suggestions:
Mountain Dew (http://mountaindew.com) Aunt Jemima (http://www.auntjemima.com) Porsche (http://porsche.com)
Then answer the following questions about the brand:
1. What is the logo?
2. What colors are used in the logo?
3. What colors are used on the website?
4. What is the slogan?
5. What kinds of photos are used on the site?
6. What “flavor” is the text? (E.G., Is it professional? Conversational and friendly?
Educational? Full of slang? How would you describe it?
7. Based on what you know of the brand (including just based on what you see on the website), who is their target market? What are their ages? Gender? Where do they live?
What do they like to do? What is their income bracket?
8. Based on the logo, slogan, colors and everything else you see on the site, describe the overall “feeling” you get. In other words, what feeling is the overall brand trying to convey?
9. Do you think the brand is conveying the right message? If not, what feeling do you think it should be conveying?
10. If you were hired to rebrand this product, what would you do? How would you change the look and feel of the logo, slogan and overall branding?
Module 3:
Dissecting Your Brand
Note: Since we introduced the concepts in this module, we’ve inserted the related planning sheets here. However, you’ll want to wait until you watch the next module before you actually complete the following planning sheets.
Once you have a good understanding of developing your brand, then be sure to return to complete these planning sheets.
Overall Branding Planning Sheet
1. What kinds of feelings would you like your customers to feel when they’re using your product?
List as many as you can think of below:
2. Check out your top 10 competitors.
Now list what their brands are conveying:
Brand Feeling Conveyed
3. Now list your top three choices as to what feeling you’d like YOUR brand to convey.
4. Finally, draft a few ideas regarding how to convey this feeling throughout our business. This includes:
What kind of logo would convey this feeling?
What colors convey this feeling?
What sorts of illustrations convey this feeling?
What font face best convey this feeling?
What style of content conveys this feeling (e.g., conversational, warm, friendly, educational, plain-spoken, etc)?