Ebook Sample Content Preview:
OK – so you have your resale rights products and you have a hosting site. Hopefully you have a whole suite of resale rights products too. Now comes the interesting part – positioning yourself as an expert in the resale rights supermarket. After you’re done with this chapter you’ll be bursting with ideas to take even the most standard resale rights products and turn them into fresh looking, highly desirable products that will SELL. If you’re a newbie some of these ideas may scare you but don’t worry – simply take things one step at a time. Learn a new strategy every day (and implement it) and in no time you’ll have the skills to squeeze money from any resale rights product.
The good thing is that the strategies I’ve disclosed for you are relatively simple but they are extremely powerful. It’s really incredible how easy it can be to make money online when you put proven strategies into place. Now if you really want a good level of income from resale rights products that is possible – but only by spending time implementing all the below strategies simultaneously.
You MUST Build Your Own Responsive Subscriber Base
“The money is in the list” – you know that don’t you? Just take a look at the big guns online. The people who are making a fortune with information products and websites – they have subscriber lists that stretch into tens of thousands (and more). How valuable do you think these lists are to them? Well do the math yourself – lets say over 5 years you managed to develop a list of 50,000 subscribers. Lets say the response rate of this list is 5% (i.e. for each mailing you put out, 5% of the list buys the product you endorse). Lets also say that you send one mail per week with a $49 product – going by the numbers you would sell 2500 products, and that would bring you $122,500. That’s PER week and on the basis of your newsletter alone. It’s a simple numbers game and your own list can be worth more than all your real estate investments IF you take the time to develop it studiously over time. It must be an on-going project that you must never allow yourself to slack on.
Ironically, just yesterday I received an email from some one I have been trying to help online. She was disheartened that her list was tiny – I pointed out that even the gurus who make $100,000 or so with a single mailing had a time when they had barely 100 names on their list. But the gurus spent time and energy growing their lists aggressively over the years – taking care of them with solid advice, great freebies and producing excellent products that their lists lapped up time after time. We all know how the story ends.
Did you notice something when you got hold of your free master resale rights above? In order to get the $266 worth of products you had to subscribe to my resale rights alert newsletter. Can you think of anyone who wouldn’t want $266 of quality master rights in exchange for subscribing to a newsletter? I certainly don’t and that’s probably why I get a flood of email subscriptions each and every day to my newsletter.