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Every experienced internet marketer knows how important a buyers list is to his business. It is vital to build your own email list of prospects and customers if at all your internet business must progress.
A well built list enables you to nurture a personal relationship with your subscribers. The relationship makes the subscribers more responsive to your promotions thereby giving you more sales.
The Challenge
However, the challenge is that most internet surfers are looking for freebies. Such freebie seekers visit many online offers every day. The fact that they are always online has made some experts say they should not be totally ignored.
Other experts on the hand have advised that, it is not the size of your email list that matters, what does is the quality of subscribers in the list.
The value of just one hundred buyers is much more than that of even one thousand freebie seekers is what such experts are saying. But considering the opinion of the first group, most marketers have admitted to building their list by giving away freebies.
So, which way do you turn? Whichever way you turn, the fact remains that you need paying customers not freebie seekers in your buyers list.
This short report is intended to show you how to build a list of qualified subscribers who are just waiting to be converted. Additionally, it will teach you a few tricks of turning freebie seekers into paying customers. Read on…
Building a Buyers List and Not a Freebie Seekers List
There is a way for building a buyers list from scratch. This option is even better since you will not have to weed out the freebie seekers. The resultant list from following this way is truly yours.
It is a list of subscribers who are interested in what you are offering. They have been qualified but are just waiting to be converted. Follow these steps and you will have a valuable buyers list in no time.
Focus on Buyers Only
This statement may sound contradictory since you also want to convert freebie seekers into paying customers. Well, it means you should add only people who have actually bought from you to your email list.
You might think you are ignoring the most popular list building tactic of giving away a freebie for signups. The logic is that you are after signups of real buyers and not freebie seekers.
You will be surprised that some freebie seekers who feel they need to buy something to get another one from you will actually buy from you. With the steps we shall list further down, you can convert most of such signups to buyers.
Exceed Subscriber Expectations
This one is obvious. It is the best way for ensuring that your buyers are extra satisfied. Ensure that you keep adding a little more value with every email response you send out to your qualified list. Add freebies to the messages occasionally.
It could even be just a link to a valuable article, video, a free report or any other useful resource online. You do not want them to think every communication between you and them is a promotional message which contains one of your affiliate links. When properly implemented, this step greatly enhances your credibility.
It makes your subscribers view you as a friend who has an honest interest in their affairs. They will see you as a true friend who is always ready to help.