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A blog is the perfect tool for integrating your Web 2.0 and Social Marketing strategy. The whole purpose of a blog is to document your thoughts, views, and opinions on a particular topic, issue, or subject, and to solicit comments from your readers and drive traffic to your other sites.
Plus a good blog will put more money into your pocket! Blogs are really the pioneer tools of the current Web 2.0 craze; they are dynamic social websites that allow user interaction (comments and ping backs).
In general people who like social sites will also like reading and posting to blogs.
A couple of obvious ways to promote your blog via Web 2.0 are simply placing links to your blog on your profile pages and lenses, and plugging your RSS feeds into your social networking portals.
But there are also some really good social sites that are geared exclusively for bloggers. There are two in particular that I use and highly recommend.
In fact if you do nothing else discussed in this report you should at least start a blog on your own domain and start using these two blog networking sites right away!
Technorati is an RSS directory at its most basic level, but it is without a doubt one of themost powerful sites on the Web for driving targeted traffic back to your blog. Many, many Internet users search Technorati for blogs on specific subjects, and a lot of people who come here are bloggers themselves.
When another user comes across your blog they can add it to their favorites, link to it, or subscribe to your RSS feed. This alone will generate a substantial amount of free, highly targeted traffic for your blog.
Once you register your free account with this service, you should immediately claim your blogs. This is Technorati talk for adding your blogs to their search and RSS directory.
You’ll be able to give your blog a title and description, and enter the tags (or categories) you post about on your blog. The great thing about this is each time you make a post on your blog from here forward a keyword optimized link to your post will appear on the Technarati site!