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Divorce Affects Confidence – Even If You Are the Person Leaving
One of the most difficult parts of moving on after a divorce is to figure out who you are without the other person. This feeling of uncertainty is natural because no matter the length of time of your marriage, a piece of your life and personality was conditioned to be a certain way with that person.
Divorce has its challenges and keeping your confidence intact during this process is certainly one of them. You are learning to be single again, and adapting to life without your partner can shatter your self-esteem. For this and other reasons, even if you are the person initiating a divorce and leaving the other person, your confidence could be affected.
Divorce makes us question and wonder who we are. We have to take a good hard look at our lives and what positions we play in life. This is especially true if you were the type of spouse who deeply rooted your identity in your marriage and took a great deal of pride in it. Some people are dependent on this identity and pride themselves on being a spouse.
It’s perfectly natural to be co-dependent, especially in a marriage. Unfortunately, too much co-dependency could make it harder to let go during a divorce.
Divorce can also shatter confidence because of the manner in which the divorce is being carried out. Depending on the circumstances, it may not be so easy to let go. If the divorce wasn’t a mutual or amicable decision, this could lead to one person holding on more than the other and subsequently feeling low in confidence.
While you will grieve the loss of the future that you once hoped for, stay encouraged that things will eventually get better. It is important to remind yourself that you still have a life and a future outside of divorce. It doesn’t have to become your identity and drain you of your confidence. Be reassured by the fact that fresh hopes and dreams will eventually replace your old ones.
Ways to Keep Your Confidence Intact during Divorce
Caring about yourself, your health, and your mental well-being is a major step towards finding your confidence again. At the end of the day, give yourself some time to focus on you. If you have children, it is especially important for you to have your confidence intact and hold your head high for them.
If you need room or space to breathe, ask family members or relatives to come babysit them or host them a few weekends out of the month as you try to process the changes stemming from divorce.
Throw yourself into a project if you have the capacity for it. Finding other things to focus on is a guaranteed way to put yourself in a better mental space instantly. Whether that is volunteering your time or learning a new trade, one of the best ways to keep your confidence intact is to invest your time not worrying about the divorce.
Understand that you are now free and independent of anything that has happened in your past. Rebuilding confidence after divorce requires you to embrace your new way of life and have the trust in yourself that you will survive the divorce. It will take work to rebuild yourself, but you are worth it and you owe it to yourself.
Reinvent yourself. Now is the chance and opportunity for you to start doing all of the things you may have wish you could have done with your previous partner but never took the chance to do. It’s the perfect space and opportunity to live your life re-imagined. This is a growing experience. Use this time to empower yourself.
All in all, confidence building requires a lot of work, especially during and after a divorce. With the right tools in place and the right support system, you will pull through this with your self-esteem and confidence intact. Don’t think it’s too hard to get through; you can make it if you allow yourself the space to do so.
The Five Stages of Grief
It’s not a secret that divorces can be incredibly painful, not just for the couple splitting up but also for family and friends who are around you. Divorce marks the demise of a marriage and all hopes and dreams that have come into it. Like coping with the death of a close relative or a loved one, it’s basically reconciling the fact that what was once so precious and near to your heart no longer exists.
It is natural to experience bouts of grief as you start to process your divorce and let go of the ideals you held for your marriage. For this reason, it is wise to handle grieving over a divorce in a similar manner to other types of grief. According to expert psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, there are five stages of grief that give us hope that things do in fact get better and back on track over time.