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If your own inner voice can weaken your self-esteem and tear down your confidence, it can also build up these things. The key is to understand how to use it properly to do this.
The first step is to catch yourself when you start criticizing yourself internally. You can't do anything about these thoughts if you don't realize what you're doing. It may be difficult, but you need to tune into your own thoughts and really hear them.
When you hear those negative, critical thoughts, it's time to get them out of your head. You need to dismiss them as quickly as you would dismiss someone criticizing your favorite food. If someone were to criticize your favorite steak dinner or ice cream flavor, you wouldn't even give their words another thought. So it is with the words going through your head; you need to dismiss them and dismiss them quickly.
Once you get into the habit of doing this then it's time to replace those thoughts. When you start to hear yourself say that you're a failure or you'll never have anything good or that you're worthless, you need to introduce other thoughts in your head. These will replace those negative thoughts and will help you to start seeing yourself in a more positive light.