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Chapter 6: Building a Game on a Social Site
Games on social networking sites are becoming more and more popular. Thousands of people play these games every day and they are truly becoming a way of bringing in serious amount of money.
Games like Candy Crush and HayDay have advertisements in the gasme and each time someone sees that advertisement the developers of the game get paid. When building a game that is intended for social networking there are a few things that you need to make sure you include in order to make the best game possible and the one that can produce the most income.
The following chapter will provide you with a few pieces of valuable information that will surely lead to your success.
Social Network Games
Games that are created for social sites such as Facebook and Myspace are really not that intricate if you really study them. In all honesty, they are pretty basic. Most of them consist of the same idea, building things or matching things. The trick is coming up with an original name and game concept that will catch the attention of online gamers. The use of bots that send invites to play your game can also be very helpful for spreading the work about your game.
One of the most easiest ways of making large amounts of money from people who play your game is to put in game purchases into it. This allows people who play the game to buy gems or other objects that will help them with their current quest or will give them more money to build something. You would probably be surprised if you knew how many people actually make those in game purchases. If you take a second to think about it, most of the games that offer in game purchases let you get to a certain point so you are hooked and then require an in game purchase to continue. Some people look upon this marketing strategy with a frown but others understand that it truly is smart.
You need to make sure that you make it to where people can play with their friends if you want your game to be a success. You may also want to include leaderboards so that other can see how they are competing against their friends from social media sites. A lot of games are starting to automatically send messages with people’s scores to their friends list asking them if they think they can beat it. This will spread the awareness of your game and will also bring in a sense of competitiveness which will keep people playing. The more people play the more opportunity you have to make money.