Ebook Sample Content Preview:
If word of mouth is a good way to increase leads, and it definitely is, then social media is like word of mouth on steroids. Creating new leads is about connections and interactions. Social media can help with these interactions. It can help you build a network of strong ties That’s why social media should be part of your strategy to generate leads. You can use social media sites in the following ways:
35. Create a quality profile. First and foremost, if you want to use social media you need to have a quality profile. Your profile lets the people who view your page know who you are and what your company has to offer them. Put effort into your business profile on a social media site. Don’t just throw something up there, even if you think you’ll go back later and make it better. Someone might see your site today and the first impression you make might not be a good one. You can put out some quality information, but if they view your profile and it gives them a bad impression, they may never even look at your information. You’ve lost that potential customer and may not have a chance to get them back.
36. Actively build your network. Add people, share things with them, and interact with others. You can’t wait for your list to build itself. Working your social media sites is important. Set aside some time each day to work on your social media network campaign. Use that time to interact with people. Whatever it is from, writing a blog to answering questions from those who visit your site, set the time aside and dedicate it to your campaign. It will produce quality results.
37. Host a webinar. Webinars might not work for every business, but they do work for many. Make sure you prepare well for your webinar and give your viewers what they want to know. When they visit your site, have them sign up to view the webinar. If you have them register for it, you will have their contact information for your list.
38. Answer questions. People often go online in search of answers. They ask questions because they’re having problems with something or need information about something. Go to various social channels and answer those questions. If people are looking for information and you can give it to them, they’ll be more apt to come to you again.
39. Reach out to prospects. Find out where people from your target market “hang out” online. Look to see where prospective leads for your business are engaging on social media sites and reach out to them. Talk to them and let them know who you are and what you have to offer. Find out what it is they want. You’ll be surprised how open people will be when they talk to you, and how easy it is to strike up conversations online. Chat with them and start to build a connection.
40. Share peer referrals. You won’t have the answer to every question that comes your way, and you may not be able to give every customer what they want. Chances are, however, you may know someone who can help with their particular problem, or you’ll know someone who sells what it is they’re looking for. Sharing the name of that peer with others make it will make them grateful and thankful that you took the time to help them.
It will also cause the peer you referred them to refer you to others when situations are reversed. It’s the classic case of “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.”
41. Write ebooks. You can write them and gate them with forms. Remember that publishing information and sharing it online is a great way to increase leads. By gating the info with forms, you add them to your contact list. Ebooks don’t have to be as long as regular books, so they’re easier to write and easier to get out there. If people took the time to look for information online, they could probably find it in many different places scattered throughout the internet. Offering them an ebook with all the information in one place will be worth the price to them. If it’s quality information, they’ll return to see if you have a book about the next subject they’re interested in.
42. Crowdsource content. This involves getting services, content, or ideas by asking for them from a group of people. It works very well with your online community. When you want ideas for your blog, request them from your online community. Each member of your community that submits something will feel like they are part of something bigger. Feeling like you are part of something helps you to take ownership in it. They will take more of an interest in you because they feel like they are part of you.
It is important that you credit your community for all of the suggestions you use. If possible, credit the individual. Let your audience know you listen to them and appreciate what they give you. Using their suggestions will make them want to pass it on. They’ll say things to their friends like, “I suggested... and they used it in a blog posting. Check it out.” Then they’ll share it. Each time they do, you’ll be attracting someone new to your site. They’ll be a new lead, and you’ll have the chance to turn them into a customer.
43. Give a new take on old information. Take quality content you’ve already shared and share it in a different way. If you wrote a blog, then do a video. If it’s in the form of an ebook, then make it several blogs or video postings. Always encourage your visitors to leave their contact information in any of the ways you’ve learned from this book and you’ll increase your list.
Don’t be afraid to reuse blog postings. You may have some great postings that you did when you first started and had a viewing audience of about 10. Now, your audience has grown much bigger. The majority of your audience hasn’t seen this quality content. Use it again, and see what kind of results you get. Be careful not to use material over and over. People don’t like to see the same old thing every time they log onto your blog or website, but putting a new spin on something old, or reusing something not many have had the opportunity to view can be rewarding.