Sample Content Preview
Building an audience should be the first step for any serious online business.
The objective here is to create an audience that is not only large but also highly targeted and highly engaged.
That means that you shouldn’t be interested in just creating the longest possible list of people reading your site, but should instead focus on creating a list of people who are fascinated by everything you say, who hang off of your every word and who are eager to get more of your content in any way possible.
Creating an audience like that means building an audience that will grow in a self-sustaining and self-perpetuating manner. It means building an audience of people who will actually want to buy from you. And it means building an audience that will stay with you for a long time.
And without wanting to sound hyperbolic, it is absolutely true that huge, engaged audiences like this represent the single differentiating factor that sets the most successful brands in the world apart online.
Think about it. What are the biggest sites and brands in your niche online right now? Which are the competitors that you wish you could be?
For a fitness site it might be something like Bodybuilding.com or BreakingMuscle.com. For an online marketing site it might be ShoeMoney, MOZ, SmartPassiveIncome or Search Engine Land. For a site about self-improvement, it might be Tim Ferriss, or perhaps the Bulletproof Executive.
So, what is it that sets these sites apart? Why are they more successful than your brand?
Simple: they have vastly larger audiences than you do. These sites have hundreds of thousands of followers. People who would consider themselves genuine fans. People who will visit their site every single day and who will trust what they have to say.
If a small niche site posts news about a new product, then it won’t have the platform to reach out to with. Perhaps 100 people might see that product over the course of a month and seeing as your average conversion rate for a sales page is about 1% at the generous end you’re talking a single sale.
You could get more people to see your site, sure. You could set up an ad campaign and get lots of people to click on it to bring them to your site.
But then they would likely just leave. Why? Because they’re not your audience. You have exposure now but you still don’t have an audience.
I always like to paint a picture here of a watch salesman. Imagine that someone comes up to you in the street, opens their coat and then offers you to buy a $1,000 watch. Would you? No! Because you don’t trust that person. You know nothing about them. You’ve never seen them before. Even if the watch is stunning, great value and exactly what you’re looking for.
But now imagine that you have done lots of business with a local jewelers and you now know and trust them well. You’re on their mailing list and you know the person who owns the shop and recognize the brand. You’re passing in the street and then you see the same watch in the window. Now there’s a chance you might buy. Because you’re already a customer. And it’s the same thing with a website that has an audience.
Another example I like to use is asking someone on a date. Imagine going up to a random woman or man in the street and asking for their number. How’s that likely to go down? They probably won’t give it to you and you’ll be lucky not to get slapped!
But if you spend the time chatting with them and building rapport, then you are much more likely to be successful.
This is the difference between a platform and an audience in blogging or internet marketing. This is why you absolutely need to put the time in to not only be able to reach out to a huge number of people, but also to be able to count them as a genuine audience: as fans or as followers.
What You’ll Learn
In this guide, you’re going to learn precisely what it takes to build this kind of audience: to have a huge number of people eating out of your hands and eager to hear what you have to say next. Eager to buy what you have for sale!
This book will give you the edge over the competition by showing you where so many brands go wrong when it comes to building an audience and what you can do differently. You’ll be given a blueprint to follow that will take you from zero to hero – with legions of loyal readers at your beck and call. So, whether you’re a small business looking to grow into a massive business, whether you’re an entrepreneur who wants to earn money doing what you love, or whether you’re marketing other companies: you’ll find precisely what you’re looking for here.
You will learn:
What makes certain brands so successful when it comes to building massive audiences
How to create your own audience, starting from the beginning
How to inspire trust and authority and why this is crucial
How to create a brand that people can believe in
How to gain more exposure to widen your audience
How to target your audience and engage with the right customers
How to communicate with your audience and keep it growing
And much more!
1. The Difference
The best place to start is with the broader overview and from there we can hone in on more granular detail. In other words, I’m going to give you the big picture, so that you know your objective and you know the overall strategy. We’ll then be able to deconstruct the end point we’re looking for to see how we get there.
Okay, so I mentioned earlier that this book would give you an ‘edge’ seeing as most people go about building their audience the wrong way. I absolutely meant that – it was not just marketing talk.
The point is that most new brands have a completely misguided approach to how they go about marketing and promoting themselves and this mistake absolutely cripples any chance of success. That’s what we’ll be addressing here though and in doing so, we’ll hopefully be able to ensure that you don’t take a similarly misguided approach.
How So Many Get it So Wrong So how do so many businesses get it wrong? What is so incorrect about their approach?
The problem comes down to care and attention. That is to say that to put it politely, a lot of businesses view their digital marketing efforts as a ‘get rich quick’ scheme. Think of all the different marketers that you have encountered on your trips around the web. How many of them do you feel are trustworthy and offering a great product? How many do you feel are just trying to get you to spend cash on a sub-par product?
How many times have you had a web page pop up without your intention and tell you about this fantastic opportunity to earn millions while working from home.
“I couldn’t believe it!”
Announces some awkward, unpolished voice.
“And neither will you! Soon you’ll be earning hundreds of thousands of dollars a day working from the comfort of your home.”
Well guess what? Surprise, surprise you shouldn’t believe it. When you part with your hard earned cash, what you’re most likely to receive is a shoddy PDF and perhaps a couple of random videos.
I’ve helped companies to sell some pretty awful products in the past (I’m not proud of it!). One time I got to try out the product – which claimed to be the turning point in people’s lives – and it turned out to be a series of videos that were made purely from screen captures without so much as a some narration. It was literally a video of a guy clicking some things on a screen in order to log into a profile and sign up to an autoresponder. Absolutely terrible value for money.