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How To Build Traffic To Your Website
Building Traffic Tributaries
The World Wide Web (WWW) can be viewed as an immense ocean of traffic that is just waiting to be tapped for your online business. The traffic already exists, either on other people's sites or through online connections, that are plugged into terminals that go directly into a person's home or office. In this respect, you don't have to create traffic; you have to learn to build tributaries that lead from that large ocean back to your online offerings so that existing traffic has the opportunity to flow back to you. The inlet that brings this traffic from the ocean to your tributary is the numerous backlinks that you post all over the Internet in various places. It's these links that will bring traffic from one area of the WWW to your business website.
Taking this metaphor a step further, each individual who is searching the Internet can be viewed as a drop of water that has the capacity to flow from one area of the Internet to another. If you also take into account not only the behavior of each individual, but also the way the water is distributed on the Internet, you will find that people congregate in various areas, and some places are not meant to hold traffic, but to distribute it even more, like search engines. Ultimately, a search engine will list results from a search that is done using a set of keywords, and based on that result, the drop of water or individual typically chooses a few places to hop to next. That's one way that water is moved across the network of tributaries on the Internet.
The other way is accomplished when the force of gravity itself pushes water from one area to another. On the Internet, this occurs when so many people find something of value that they start posting more and more backlinks back to the same area. When that happens, the popularity of the Web page increases and more water or people flow back to the site on the strength of mass exposure alone. We will explore these two mechanisms in depth to show you how to get more traffic to your site.
Lastly, another way that is not as natural as the two ways mentioned above is to pay someone to come in and dig a tributary, or tons of links back to your site. If you do this through marketing strategies like affiliate and referral programs, it's considered okay. If you do this through spamming and coercion, you'll end up getting into legal trouble. It's important to note that when you are trying to get attention to your website, what you do has to fall between good, legal behavior.
Cybersquatting on someone else's trademark name as your domain name to grab traffic, for instance, may be doable, but it's going to get you into trouble and should be avoided.
Targeted Traffic
The Internet as an amorphous ocean of traffic is a great way to understand the dynamics of traffic flow. This network of waterways has already been very highly developed in some cases, with some people already experiencing great traffic flow on their sites. This is important to know because you don't really want to just put an inlet next to an amorphous ocean and drive tons of untargeted traffic back to your site. Each of those drops may represent a person who is online, but are they the type of person who is going to buy your products and services? Obviously not! There is much more to building traffic to your site than just numbers. It has to be quality, targeted traffic that stands a good chance of creating sales conversions.
Whether you're getting traffic from a search engine or from some other site, your backlinks should be showing up in areas where the niche is similar to your market segment. You don't want to be selling jewelry and posting backlinks on pet sites or adding keywords for pets. That would only bring in traffic that isn't interested in buying your products in the first place. In order to get high quality traffic that wants to buy, you have to first make sure that your efforts are being placed in the right demographic.
You want your niche to be something that isn't so narrow that few people will be interested in it, yet not be so broad that you won't define your demographic well enough to target it either. If you find that the keywords that you are using to generate traffic from search engines has a low search volume, this indicates that relative to other niches, it probably is a smaller pond of water. It would be better to identify a niche that has some inherent strength in numbers before you actually start to market it online.