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How would you like to set up a simple system that collects the email addresses of 2
your prospects and then markets to them automatically? We are of course talking about a sales funnel, something you can set up in one day in almost any money-making niche. It doesn't take any great skill or talent. You don't need your own products. You don't even have to use your own content.
You simply need to set up the system and then put it to work for you, yet new marketers hesitate todo this. Is it because the system looks too easy to be effective? Or because new marketers are afraid they don't know all of the steps involved? With this primer it won't matter –you'll have everything you need to get started today.
The best sales funnels are tested and tweaked to maximize your profit. You might think it's not that important if you're earning $1.00 per prospect or $2.00 per prospect –after all, it's all profit, right? But the better your sales funnel is at making money, the more and better advertising you can afford. If your funnel is only making pennies, then you can only use free methods to generate traffic. But if your funnel is making real money, you can reinvest some of those profits into converting even more prospects into even more sales.
A good sales system will build solid relationships with your lists so they open and read your emails. And best of all, it will allow you to “print money” on demand, simply by sending out an email.
There are two types of sales systems you can build –lead driven and sales driven. A lead driven system puts prospects into your system when they enter their email address to receive your free offer. A sales driven system is made up of buyers only. For example, you place a product on the Warrior Forum, pay 100% commissions to maximize sales from affiliates, and then collect the email addresses of the buyers. It's a good way to build a very solid list, but you need your own products to make it work.
That's why we're going to focus on the lead driven system, because you don't need to have your own products. Instead, you can promote affiliate products and let someone else worry about setting up sales pages, delivering products, sales support, customer service and all of that. Eventually you might want to add your own line of products, but for right now it's much faster and easier to let other people handle the product end while you focus your efforts on getting leads into your system.
Now you might wonder –why not simply send traffic to an affiliate offer?Why build a sales system? And the answer is of course that with your own sales system, you get to keep the leads and continue to market to them over and over again. If you're simply sending traffic to a sales page you don't own, then regardless of whetherthey buy or not, you never capture the email addresses and they're lost to you forever.
An Overview of How Your System Will Work:
You'll use various methods to send people to your website. These methods might be paid advertising, social media marketing, media buys, link swaps and so forth.
The visitor enters their email address in exchange for your free offer.
That new subscriber automatically receives the free offer, and this part is important: They are redirected to a special offer. This offer is usually something that is steeply discounted and extremely limited time-wise.
If the new subscriber purchases, they're placed on the customer list. Otherwise they stay on the lead list. Either way, they continue to receive content and promotions from you every day or two, automatically via the autoresponder.
This could be one of the biggest reasons new marketers don't create affiliate funnels –they don't know how to fine tune those funnels to make the most money. But the money is in the tracking, because by tracking you know what's working, what's not and what needs improving.
You can track everything in your business, and by tracking, you turn your funnel from guesswork into a scientific process that tells you exactly what to do to maximize yourprofits.
Imagine you've got two different versions of your offer and you test both. Version A is making half the sales of version B, so what do you do? You eliminate Version A, send all your traffic to Version B and begin testing to improve Version B even further. Using this method your business is guaranteed to improve over time -It's that simple.
If you don't track and test, then every sale you get will be from sheer dumb luck. In addition, you will be leaving more money on the table than you can evenguess. Not only do you lose all the profit you would have made from the increased conversions, but you also lose all the profit you could have made by reinvesting the extra profit into more traffic. Think about that.