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I believe that a lot of us are equipped with an instinct to form excuses and reasons as to why we shouldn't tackle a challenge, or make a significant (or small) change. Meanwhile, the truth is that sometimes you rational mind doeshave a point.
At the same time, you should be consciously aware of your comfort zone and howrooted you become with it. The more you immerse yourself within it, the harder it can be to get out.
Think about it this way: sometimes you might be comfortable, and then all of a sudden an opportunity comes along. Your first instinct may push you to decline the opportunity, whatever it may be, and remain in a state of constant knowing and comfort. Taking an intelligent “risk” when the timing is right can end up transforming your life from ordinary to far more fulfilling.
Taking a step forward, or a risk, can be a positive movement towards growing as a person, and also coping with the otherkind of stress –the badkind. Now, if you're going through this course, then I'm sure that may be why you're here. Dealing with the bad stress, the kind you could definitely do without in your life.
I'm not going to bore you or waste your time by listing off reasons or situations that can generate bad stress. Mainly because I'm certain you KNOW what stresses you out and creates that feeling of overwhelm in your life. Just thinking about the topics and things that are weighing over you can cause your mind to escalate the situation. This, in turn, makes coming up with a solution AND dealing with the stress effectively far more difficult.
Now that I've given you this overview of good and bad stress, let's just dive right into the topic of breathing to relieve the stress.