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In order to assure that you get the outcome you want and stay motivated and on track, it’s critical that you record your progress and review and refine your Game Plan as you progress through your program.
You mapped out your Game Plan from a safe distance before you got into the heat of the action. There probably were things that you didn’t anticipate happening. It’s okay to make changes. Your Game Plan is a guideline, not a rule book. As long as it gets you to where you want to go within the timeframe that you have planned for yourself, it can be adapted and modified as much or as little as you like.
Just make sure that your program is progressing towards your goal, not backsliding back into the bad habit you are trying to break.
A Record of Your Success
Keep a record of your performance versus your Game Plan. I like to call this the “Victory Log”. This will help you measure and see your progress as you move through your program. It also will help you put together your next Game Plan when you are ready to break another bad habit.
In your Victory Log, record your performance versus your objective. Identify shortcomings. Be honest and unflinching. The Victory Log is for your eyes only.
Ultimately, when you reach your objective, your Habit Diary and your Victory Log can help point to the key elements that led to your success. These key elements can then be applied to other areas of your life so that you can make constant, positive improvements and move closer to realizing your Vision Statement.
Weekly Progress Reviews
Schedule a time to review your success each week. Make it a new good habit by making it at the same time and day every week, making it easier to remember to do it. Eventually, you will start to look forward to this time because the closer you get to your objective, the more likely it will be that the news will be good.
Weekly progress reviews should be as non-judgmental as possible. Update your Victory Log without emotion, explaining exactly what you did well and what you didn’t. Any setback of failure should be accompanied by a plan of action to correct those areas where you need improvement. These can then be folded into the Game Plan for subsequent weeks.
Celebrating Victories
The little rewards you built into your Game Plan are important motivators, so don’t skip them. Even if they are simply trinkets or tokens, because you had to earn them they will take on deeply personal significance.
For example, people who are struggling with alcoholism and who embark on the 12-Step program are presented with chips that celebrate various stages of their sobriety. These cheap plastic chips are presented for 30-days, six-months, one-year and 10-years of sobriety. While these chips may not have any actual monetary value, for the people who earn them they are among their most valuable possessions.
When your Game Plan has been completed and you have achieved your overall objective, it’s time to celebrate. Invite loved ones to join you at a celebratory dinner or throw a party. Not only do you deserve it, but celebrating your achievement will reinforce your positive behavior and make it easier to repeat the process when it’s time to address other bad habits you want to correct.