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In many cases, individuals suffering with bulimia—and eating disorders as a whole—have trouble managing emotions in a sound way. Eating may be an emotional release so it’s not amazing that individuals binge and purge if feeling angry, blue, strained, or anxious.
One thing is sure. Bulimia is a complex emotional problem. Major causes and risk factors for bulimia include.
Pitiful body image: Our culture’s accent on thinness and beauty may lead to body dissatisfaction, especially in young women bombarded with mass medium images of an unrealistic physical ideal.
The idealization of slenderness has resulted in a malformed body image and unrealistic measures of beauty and success. Cultural and mass medium influences, like television, magazines, and movies, reinforce the notion that women ought to be more concerned with their appearance than with their own ideas or accomplishments.
Body dissatisfaction, feelings of fatness, and a drive for slenderness have led a lot of women to become overly concerned about their looks. Research has demonstrated that many normal-weight and even skinny girls are dissatisfied with their body and are selecting inappropriate behaviors to control their appetite and food consumption.
The American Association of University Women discovered that adolescent girls trust that physical appearance is a major part of their self-esteem and that their body image is a huge part of their sense of self.
Low self-regard: individuals who think of themselves as worthless, useless, and unattractive are at risk for bulimia. Things that may contribute to low self-regard include depression, perfectionism, childhood abuse, and a critical home environment.