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Anger is an emotion that usually brings out the worst in everyone and is usually displayed in regrettable ways. However, most people constantly give in to the displays of anger, instead of taking the trouble to find and address the source of the anger, in the quest to redefine this very negative emotion. Get all the info you need here.
Destroy Your Anger
Controlling the beast within you and be the master of your emotions
Anger can sometimes be treated as simply as any other illness, where several methods are used until one is seen to have some positive effect on the illness.
Once found this method is applied and the illness is concurred. This simple philosophy can be applied to finding the source of the anger issue too. Identifying exactly what is making the anger feeling surface and then working to fix it should be the agenda of the individual intending to tackle his or her anger issues clearly and completely.
The Basics
For the more active role to take when tackling the anger issue, the individual would perhaps investigate specific areas that usually ignite the anger.
Then taking it a step further, the individual would then try to resolve the issues that contribute to the circumstances, which ignites the anger at its source. Making sense of this is very important and sometime outside help is necessary in helping the individual sort through the complexities of the issue to reach the core element that ignites the anger.
Other sources of anger can be detected when there are conflicts, which also surface in many different scenarios, such as the conflict of emotions, the conflict being caused by another party that requires the participation of the individual, conflict of resolution and many more kinds.
All these would require the patience of the individual in taking the trouble to sort through and resolve as many connecting issues as possible, thereby creating less likelihood of the individual having anger issues over these areas.
Anger is an emotion that constantly gets people into trouble and more often than not, an outburst of anger causes the individual to do and say things that are rather unpleasant and extreme.
Therefore some control should be mastered over the anger emotion to ensure lesser occurrences of such negativity are evident.
The following are some tips on how to put control back into the hands of the individual, trying to stop anger from arising effectively:
Stopping It
Taking a deep breath is the most common recommendation meted out by experts. This not only gives the individual the opportunity to step back and collect his or her thoughts, but it also causes some chemical reactions within the human body that allows the frazzled nerves to be calmed. Drinking water is also another way to calm the nerves and creating a distraction for the mind and body to focus on. Besides it also has a positive cooling effect on the body system.
Another tip often given is to not speak when still in the angry frame of mind. Anger usually brings forth really ugly feelings and words, and when said in the heat of the moment, it is often impossible to retract. Therefore exercising some control and walking away from the temptation to be vocal, would help stop the anger from erupting out of control.