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On the budget sheet indicate in the relevant categories all the required information needed and for those categories that do not apply to the particular business practices simply ignore.
If there are categories that exists within the business but are not categorized in the budget worksheet, simply add them on at the bottom of the sheet where there is always adequate space provided for such additions.
For property tax, auto insurance and any other expenses that don’t normally fall into the monthly billing category take the total cost of it per year and divide it by twelve and then add it into the budget worksheet projections.
In the preliminary stage calculate only minimum payments required to satisfy the debts incurred as this can eventually be built upon as the surplus amount becomes healthier.
For expenses such as entertainment, groceries and eating out, use a separate spread sheet to work this out based on any previous information which should have some form of consistency.
Once this has been done the overall building budget worksheet should be fairly complete thus creating the platform to determine if the current scenario is compatible with the income shown.
At this point the individual would then be able to make decision in a more informed fashion based on all the relevant data presented in the budget work sheet.
Using other examples to help the individual throughout the exercise would be advised as this can assist in giving the individual an idea of where and how to make adjustment in order to still be able to enjoy peace of mind.